Chapter 11

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The next few weeks, I avoid Stefan the best I can. He will try to speak with me but my answers are always short.

Stefan have also appoint a driver to drop me at the university or anywhere I have to go. With or without Liam. A few reporters were seen outside the Estate. When I had told Stefan I can manage without his car, he had went all berserk over me again.

"Miss Cullen. As your boss, it's my responsibility to ensure about your safety!"

The next day, the appointed driver, Peter would not let me leave without him. I was already late for my classes so I just agreed.

Frankly I'm loving my job. I mean who will not want to look after Liam. He's so adorable. And for the past few weeks, I have remarked that even if his father is in the same room, he would still want me to take him.

I know deep down Stefen doesn't approve of this but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just doing my job. When I had start the job as a nanny, I really thought that I would not be able to handle it. But truth be told, I'm actually managing all of it very well. When I have my classes, I drop him at Ciara's place or at her boutique. Sometimes he crys a lot when I leave him but other time he doesn't. It's as if with time, he's understanding that I have to leave but will always return back to him.

Liam is a happy baby and now that he's soon to be five months, he have start to sit up with support and he's even holding his head more steadily.

I watch as he tries to sit down again. I count to five then he falls down again. Laughing, I pick him up and shower him with kisses.

"I see he is trying to sit by himself", Mary says.

"Yes", I beam. "His grip is even more tighter now. My baby is getting stronger."

I kiss his chubby cheeks again and he giggles, trying to kiss me back.

"I love you", I admit and kiss his forehead.

Liam removes his fist from his mouth and try to gurgles in his own language.

"I lowwwuuu", he says.

"Mary!", I gasp. "Did you hear that?"

"I did", she laughs. "Good evening Stefan. Did you just hear what Liam said!"

Stefan throw a glare in my way, not even bothering to smile at his baby. I noticed he have been acting distant with Liam also lately. I mean he looks after him like always but whenever Liam is with me, he does not even bother with him at all. Earlier he used to but now he doesn't.

I know I say we should behave professionally but Liam doesn't deserve his father's back when he's happy to see him after a long day.

Liam squeals and bounces happily when he sees his father. But without saying a word, he leaves angrily from there.

What is his problem? Is he on his man's period or something?!

"Nevermind Liam", I kiss him again. "I still love you."

He smiles and bounces again.

It's already nine o'clock when Liam finally falls asleep. He have too much energy now. He always want to play. I take a shower then decide to make my dinner.

A butter with strawberry jam sandwich will do!

"Can I make something for you Jess?", Mary asks.

"Thank you Mary but I'll manage", I say. She doesn't know that I bought my own food.

"Jam and butter sandwich at this time?", Mary asks, with a hand on her

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