Chapter 47

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I reach the mall and park my car. As soon as I get out, I start getting a bad feeling. I try to call Jess again but her phone is unreachable. I try calling Ciara but she is not picking up. I hope they are fine. I keep trying to call Jess but to no avail.

I dial the bodyguards's numbers and alarm bells start ringing in my head when they don't pick the call either. What is going on?

Cara's words echoes in my mind as I made my way towards the entry but before I can reach there, I notice Leo and Ciara looking around frantically. They seems to be searching for someone.

"Jess", I murmur in realization dawns upon me.

"Ciara", I call out and walk towards her but as soon as I reach her, Leo throws a hard punch across my face. I clench my jaw, knowing I deserve it as my face turns to the side.

"What the fuck are you doing here now?! Are you following Jess?", he snaps angrily and takes a menacing step closer.

"Leo", my sister gasps and holds his arm. "No"

I wipe the blood from the corner of my lips and look at him. He looks ready to tear me apart and why not. I have hurt his best friend so deeply and him being mad at me is totally justified.

"Listen Leo", I start saying in a calm voice. "I don't mean no harm but where is she? Where is Jess?"

Another punch and I end up staggering a little bit behind.

"Why the fuck should I tell you?! Do you want to hurt her again? Huh. Crush her heart to million pieces again? Humiliate her for loving an asshole like you?!"

"Listen man", I say seriously. "I really need to know where is she. We can have this conversation later."

"You are not getting any close to her", he shoves me roughly back.

"Stefan she is missing", Ciara declares at the same time. "We told her to wait for us either inside or here but she is nowhere to be found."


"Get the fuck out of here Black!", Leo says acidly. "I can look for my best friend and don't pretend to be so worried for her when you and your bitch Cara recorded her naked!"

"I didn't do it!", I almost shout and take a deep breathe. "I had to pretend that I liked Cara so that I can get the videos and destroy it! I was trying to protect her all along"

"I don't believe you", he adds with a glare. "You had quite a reputation in the past and you might be playing with Jess as well....."

"I LOVE HER DAMMIT!", I shout causing him to snap his mouth shut instantly.

"I did all this to protect her and even if you don't believe me, I love Jess to death. I had to do something as stupid as to behave like an asshole with her so that Cara doesn't post her pictures on the internet. I know how she feels about herself and I didn't want to make it any worse!"

"You made it worse by your words Stefan", he concludes furiously.

"My words were not true and I will keep proving it to her even if it takes a lifetime but if the pictures had went viral, that would have been much worst."

"Why you didn't told her then?", he questions. "You could clearly told her. Atleast she would have been aware of the situation"

"I didn't told her because I didn't want to take any risk", I explain. "If Cara would have even got an inkling that Jess's knows, she would not have waste a single minute to harm her and that's why I need you to tell me where is she?"

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