Chapter 33

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"So?", Stefan waits anxiously for my reaction when I take the first bite from the cupcake. He looks like a little puppy, waiting anxiously for a treat.

I must admit, the cupcake is quite good for his first time. But let me just drag my reaction to pull his leg. I keep on chewing slowly.

"Well?", he says expectantly.

"Wait", I say and take another bite. "I'm still eating."

"How come when you eat those cupcakes from the bakery you start moaning with pleasure instantly but with these ones, there's no reaction", he murmurs almost with a pout.

"Do you want me to moan for you?", I blurt then instantly cringe when I see the teasing smirk and the devilment in his eyes.

"Just make as if I didn't say anything", I add quickly.

"The cupcakes are a meh", I speak quickly to distract him from continuing the topic on moaning because from his face, I can notice that he's willing to take this conversation far.

Very far.......


His face falls instantly. "I tried the best I could."


I start laughing at his face. He looks like a child.

"It didn't turn out good right?", he sighs with dejection. "Next time I'll try to make them better."

"Stefan", I say quickly. "They are really good. I was just messing with you. It's really, really good. Here try some."

"Can be better", he says after swallowing.

"Practice makes perfect."

He smirks again causing me to roll my eyes.



"The day after tomorrow is my mother's marriage anniversary", Stefan adds while playing with my hair. "She wants us to come."

"Really?", I ask animatedly.

"I told her no."

"Why?", I frown. "Why would you say no to your mother?"

I'm still a little bit skeptical about people's reaction towards me regarding last time. I have been seeing people's comments on the internet. Some are good while some are really worst. A part of me know that I deserve the hate and right now I just want to be away from crowds. Besides, last time I took Liam out, things didn't end well. I can't take another risk and go out with him.

But I won't let Stefan suffer because of me. He can't miss his mother's special day because of me.

"Jess", he starts saying in a soft tone. "You are still not well. I don't want you stressing yourself for no reason. There's going to be a lot of people and as far as I know, some will even question you about the last incident with Ana. People are nosy."

"But you should be there", I say with a sigh. "Stefan thank you so much for looking out for me but I won't let you miss your mother's anniversary because of me. I'm completely fine and if you are so worried then please don't. I can always take a rest while you're gone. I can't even imagine how she must have felt when you turned her down."


"No but", I press. "Esme is a wonderful woman and I will hate myself if the reason you and Liam won't attend her party is because of me."

"You're amazing", Stefan smiles after a while.

"Well I know I'm the best", I say in a teasing voice and lay my head back on his chest.

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