Chapter 36

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My finals have already started and a part of me is excited as well as anxious. I'm excited because I'm graduating soon and anxious because of the exams.

Well, I'm hoping everything goes well. Leo is doing his revisions with me and I'm grateful for that because we are motivating each other to study and also when we are taking our break, we are making sure to have a little bit of fun just to break the stress a little bit. 

During these times, Stefan is also making sure that I'm eating healthy and he is taking care of Liam most of the time. I feel sad that I'm unable to give him my attention as I used to but I promise to make it up to him once my exams are over. Mary is taking care of him most of the time. I miss him so much.

"Jess I'm going to look for some Economic books in Stefan's library", Leo says. "My brain hurts from all these theories."

"Okay", I reply to him distractedly. "Bring some water for me when you are coming back please."

After about half an hour, Leo dashes through the door with a book in his hand. Confuse, I look at him. What is wrong with him? He didn't even bring my water. 

"Bitch, do you remember back when we were still working at the studio, you were complaining about your picture being lost?"

I stare at him, confuse.

"What picture?"

"The one you had freshly taken after your appointment at the dentist", he explains. "You were complaining that the inside of your cheeks were hurting and they were swollen."

"Yes I do remember", I utter slowly while my brain processes his words. I do remember the picture and also the pain of having braces. My cheeks used to hurt so bad. 

"You had to force me to take the picture for the university library access", I continue and roll my eyes.  Leo can be persistent when he wants to be. Back when we had freshly started university, we had to take photos for our Student ID and for us to have access to the library as well. I had lost one of them and God knows where I did but frankly, I'm glad it's lost. The picture came out horrible and my face was fat. 

"I already had pictures yet you made me took new ones", I pout with a frown.

"And you lost one!", he exclaims.

"I did", I smile. "Which I'm still glad because I looked horrible in it. God forbid anyone saw it." 

A disgusting shiver goes down my spine at the thought of anyone seeing it. It was that horrible. It was like those pictures on our passport card. I'm just glad that I lost one of them. But why is Leo asking me about it all of a sudden? 

"Leo", I start saying. "Why are you asking me about that ugly photo anyway? It's been too long. I didn't even remember it."

"Because here it is!", he exclaims dramatically and pulls a photo out of an economic book. 

My eyes widen when he shows me the picture. There I am with my fat cheeks and double chin! I gasp loudly and snatch it from his hold to look at it more closely to confirm if it is indeed me. What is this doing here? How is it even possible that Leo has found it here? It was lost years ago. 

"Where did you find this?!", I shriek in disbelief. 

"In Stefan's library", he replies. "It was in his book. And look what is written behind!"

"What?!", I almost scream and stare at him. I turn it around and my jaw falls open in disbelief.

"Cute chipmunk"

"That means Stefan knows that we were working for him", Leo concludes while my eyes remain wide open. There's no way he knows that it's me in this picture. This is so embarrassing.

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