Small Ones

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"So you spook of two little ones." My grandmother, Ruth asked, curiosity showing through her eyes and voice.

"Yes, twin girls born not very long ago." I nodded, "Aneko and Hana."

"Beautiful names I must say," my grandfather, Deacen said nodding his head in approval.

"Oh how I wish I could see then." Ruth said in a slight dreamy voice.

"You may be able to." I said, all I had to do was ask Damon to bring them through our mind link. Although he may not be to happy if I did, werewolves are his enemies.

"Oh no dear we couldn't ask for that." Ruth said as she shook he head, "it be best if the not be moved because they were born recently, and besides your mate is the king of the vampires."

I shrugged, "He may be the enemy of you guys but I also don't want to leave this place just yet, but I am longing for his touch and my babies in sight." I admit, sense I've been away from Damon I've been longing for his touch. Not to mention the worries I had for my children. My wolf was only making it worst as she wined in my mind for them.

Deacen seemed out of it for a moment before letting out a sigh, "I guess he could come as long as no one gets injured by his hand."

I saluted him with a smile, "yes alpha." I said and walked out, closing the door behind me with a sigh.

"So is 'he' coming here?" A slight angry voice came beside me, only to belong to James. He didn't look very happy, but I could tell he was holding in his wolf.

"Yes Damon is coming with my family." I said turning to face him, the word family seemed not to help his mood, only worsen it. "Listen James I may have also been your mate, but I just know that it hadn't been meant to happen. I know your one true mate is out there somewhere waiting to be found." My voice had softened and so had his mood I guess. His eyes looked sad for a moment then to unreadable, that was until he walked away leaving me standing by the door.

I started making my way back to outside, getting lost a few times in the process. When I found the door i opened it and walked outside. The cold wind hit my face, a smile spreading a crossed my face. Damon's voice filled my mind.

'Silver!' Damon yelled through the link we had. 'Are you ok Silver?'

'I'm fine Damon,' I reassured him with a calm voice. 'I'm just visiting my wolf family. Listen can you come with our baby girls, I want them to meet their great grandparents.'

The link was silent for a moment, 'fine... I'll be there in a flash.'

I nodded to myself, and sat down. The ground was called and everything, but it felt nice compared to the warm building. It would be some time before Damon and the twins arrived and I planned in spending that time outside away from people. Over the year and a half I've been in Damon's care I was finally coming out of my shell, but I still wasn't one to socialize a whole bunch yet.

Two children ran infront of me, playing tag I think. The girl tripped on a stone and began to cry. My motherly instints must have kicked in because at was at her side trying to comfort her in second. The boy sat down next to the girl telling jocks and funny times trying to making her laugh, and it worked. In no time she was up and ready to play again, with only a minor scratched on her knee.

"Thank you miss." She said and ran off, the boy not far behind her.

I wonder how my girls are going to be when they grow up, will they be vampires or werewolves, maybe both? I shook my head, no matter what they ended up being I would love them with all my heart. I tasteful scent hit my nose and I knew Damon had arrived finally.

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