41. The Beginning of the Journey to the End

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"Everyone, please take a seat in your assigned area. The opening ceremony will begin soon. I repeat, please sit down somewhere in your assigned area. The ceremony will begin soon," announced a lady throughout the room.

I gulped.

This was the scene of the exact start of the game.

After today, Lilly will be the protagonist of this world.

We were currently in the massive school auditorium that held thousands of seats and had a giant stage built into the wall farthest away from the exits.

I looked over at the heroine next to me.


She really stood out.

Her aura was so different from other people that it would be almost impossible to not see her.

I can understand why she caught all of the male leads' eyes...

"Miss Cordelia...my assigned seat isn't in the same area as yours...so this is where we must part..." she said shyly as she waved her hand goodbye.

I waved my hand back at her and turned around to face the auditorium.

I needed a second to breathe.



Does she like me?!

I didn't act too weird, right?!

Was there any cream on my face?!

I hope I looked cool in front of her...!


I can't be distracted now...

...I need to find my seat before I get in trouble.

I looked down at my opening ceremony pamphlet and checked each of the zones where students were sorted into.

Apparently, students were sorted based on their relations.

Every student that had a high probability of associating with one another in the future were seated at extremely close proximity.

Which meant...

I looked over my shoulder to see the heroine, Lilly, sit down alone.

Lilly was a commoner...and even though she had magic...she still didn't have any noble blood in her.

Therefore...the calculated likelihood of her talking to any noble at the school was slim to none.

So, her seat was separated far from the other students on the first day of school.

This was the main reason why most students found out that she was a commoner.

Yes...the school system was excessively unfair to Lilly.

But that was how the game was.

I could hear dozens of people whispering and gossiping about the girl sitting alone.

They were giggling and laughing while coming up with ridiculous theories about Lilly's past.

"Maybe that loner's mother and father insulted the school and this is her punishment..." said a high-pitched snickering girl.

"If that's the case, we should stay as far away from her," chuckled a dark-haired cocky-looking guy.

"But what if...she's from a fallen noble family...?" another noble boy said with disgust on his face from looking at Lilly.

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