23. Punish the Psychopaths

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"Sorry, little lady, but things will be easier if you don't resist," Psycho #2 said with a smile.

"No...No! Please...no! No! I don't want to...Please...Someone...Help!" I screamed through my fake tears while I pretended to struggle.

Psycho #2 gripped his hands around my arms and pinned me to the floor. 

It hurt, but I was okay.

"No one will be able to hear you here...we're too far away from everyone..." Psycho #2 whispered into my ears.

I shuddered.


Anyway, you may be wondering why I am letting myself be captured like this.

I'm currently in the process of saving a young kid my age from assassins. 

I'm not doing anything to stop them from capturing me because I have confidence that I can kill these jerks even if they have the upper hand.

Besides, the other kid that I am rescuing won't die too easily. After all, even though he was heavily injured, he obviously still had the will to live.

If he wanted to die, he could've already.

Hehehe...HEHEHEHE. Once I save this kid from these psychopaths, I bet all of the male leads will finally treat me with the respect I deserve!!!

"Just stay still, okay? It'll be over in a few hours," Psycho #2 said with a creepy voice.

Yeah...how about no?

"Please...stop...Please...no! No! Please! Someone help! I can't!" I begged him as I continually struggled to escape.

Seriously, I think I deserve an Oscar. I'm actually an amazing actor.

After a little bit, Psycho #1 came back while carrying the other kid over his shoulder. 

The kid was still breathing, which was a good sign I guess(?)

"I caught the kid...I was thinking that we could kill him together...We could have some quality bonding time...right?" Psycho #1 said with a shy glance towards Psycho #2.

"Aww...You're so sweet. I'm glad that we are partners. I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world," Psycho #2 replied with heartfelt words.

Is it bad that I almost...ship these two psychopaths together...?

They are both disgusting...so they seem like a good pair...

In one quick motion, Psycho #1 tossed the injured kid onto the ground near me. I could hear the wind being knocked out of the kid when he hit the floor.

Then, Psycho #2 did something that I absolutely did not expect.

"I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have to make sure you don't run away while we do our work..." Psycho #2 said quietly.

He gently grabbed one of my legs while reaching for my foot. Then he...snapped my knee.

I didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. I only understood what actually happened when I saw the state of my leg.

And I'm pretty sure my leg doesn't normally bend like that...

Then, after a moment, I felt it.


It hurts...It hurts...It...HURTS!

The pain radiated throughout my leg and it slowly became worse. It slowly grew to become like a fire in my leg.

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