85. I Love You (Part 1)

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In commemoration of Another Life, Another Me reaching ONE MILLION reads, I have updated not one, but TWO chapters today~ The total word count is a little over 8,000 words~

Please read the chapter after this one if you have the time!! (Not like you guys will be able to stop yourself from doing it anyway...haha...)

Also, please read the special announcement after both of these chapters that I will update soon! Trust me, you won't regret it~

Alright, enjoy these chapters!!






"Oh! Good morning, my dear Cordelia. Who would have thought that I would bump into you so early in the morning?" Gideon laughed amicably as he walked over to me.

He bent forward and reached out for my hand, just how a gentleman would, but, before he could even touch me, I was quickly pulled out of his reach.

"Back off," Ace growled menacingly to Gideon with a very frown on his face.

Ace didn't even attempt to hide his contempt for Gideon at all and, instead, held me inside of his arms as if he would never let me go, even if the sky were to split in half.

"It looks like someone isn't particularly in a good mood today. Forgive me. I must have done something wrong to make you upset," Gideon apologized sincerely(?)


Maybe it was just me, but I could almost see lethal electric sparks flying between the two, even though one of them, Gideon, was smiling.

"I don't need an apology. Just don't ever show us your face again," Ace said with a big frown on his face.

"...Ace...?! Why are you being so rude today...?!" I whispered loudly as I tried to catch his attention.

Slowly, Ace turned his head down to look at me and gave a small pout as if though I were the one in the wrong for not being able to understand...!

"You have to treat him with more respect, okay?" I whisper-yelled as I lightly patted his hands that wrapped around me.

"...Do I have to?"



And with that, Ace turned his head toward Gideon with a small frustrated pout and gave him a very sharp glare.

"Ace...! That's not how you act polite!!" I scolded him.

Then, with a very hesitant expression on his face, as if though he really had no other choice, he opened his lips.

"...Hi," Ace managed to say through gritted teeth.

There was silence for a while as both Gideon and I waited for Ace to continue...but after that, Ace didn't say another word.

At this point, I gave up all hope for a good relationship between Ace and Gideon.

It simply wasn't possible.

"Ahem. Yes, good morning, my dear Ace," Gideon said as if though he couldn't sense the hostility that was radiating from Ace's piercing glare.

And, as if though he had suddenly turned deaf, Ace gave no acknowledgment to Gideon and, instead, nestled his face into my hair as though he were pleading me to quickly end this conversation.

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