Chapter 11: Spirits

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"Now that's a house." My dad says in awe as he surveyed a house, well mansion really, it was huge and looked nothing like a house. I wonder who lives here? I got my answer when the car stopped right in front of it, us and the ones letting us stay. "Goodness me! We get to live in such a lovely house for our stay, isn't that wonderful Lorraine?" Mum beams at me and I couldn't help but return a small smile.

We climbed out the back seat and proceeded towards the door, the man gives a wave before driving off, probably back to the company. "Here we go darling, our temporary stay." Mum says as she rings the doorbell. Usually you would hear some chimes but there was nothing. Dad decides to knock the door, still nothing. He was about to knock again when the door opened. The entrance stood a girl my age. Her hair was a brown blue ombré and she had brown eyes. She smiles and ushers us in. "Hi I'm Iris, you must be the Reeds." Mum smiles at her politeness, "Oh you're such a dear. Could we talk to the in charge?" I'm not sure but I thought I saw her smirking for a split second.

"Please wait in there." She points to a room in one of the hallways and when we turned back she was gone. I felt a shiver go down my spine. "Well at least she's not sloppy." Dad comments as we enter the room. I hit his arm knowing what he's hinting at, "I'm not sloppy, I just prefer to think before I act." Mum of course had to join in, "Of course dear but you take too long when you think sometimes." The room was dark, the lights were off and the curtains drawn. The only source of light was the projector on the glass table shining on the screen. The screen read 'Welcome'. There was no one in the room.

"I'm creeped out." I blurted. "Sweetie that's not the kind of behavior you should have in a guest's house." Mum scolds. A breeze suddenly comes in from one of the windows and temporarily lit up the room with moonlight. There was nothing in the room except a glass table with office chairs all around and there were boards of both whiteboards and peg boards along the wall on the right. The breeze stops and the curtains slowly floated down. There was a boy next to the window. We jumped in surprise.

"H-hello there, who're you?" Mum asks hesitantly. He was tall and had a strong build. He was leaning against the wall, hands tucked in his pockets. When my eyes adjusted, he looked my age too. "Takahiro." was his brief reply as he glanced at us through his fringe which I noticed was a bit long. He gets up from the wall and pulls up the second seat to the right of the head, the wheels squeaked as he does so.

"Sit." he says as he settles down and started switching the slides. We take a seat on our end of the table, our eyes glued to the screen. After the 'Welcome' came a 'To' then an 'Our', followed by 'Home'. "Welcome to our home..?" I mumbled. "Sorry we didn't put any effort into that." The voice was feminine. We turn back and the guy was no longer there, his seat in its original position as if never touched. In the first seat to the head, beside where the guy had sat earlier, was a girl who was dressed in casual sportswear. "Nice to meet you." She smiles, we couldn't see her eyes as she was wearing a cap. The door opens and we turn, another girl. Her mouth drops in shock at us, "Oh! Are you the Reeds? What are you doing in here alone? Who let you in? I was supposed to do those slides for you but it seems I've been beat to it. Why don't you come on out to the living room?" Alone she said but there was... I turn back to see the previous girl in sportswear was gone. This was getting freaky.

"Iris had let us in and told us to wait in here?" Dad says. She shakes her head, "What are you talking about? Iris hasn't been home since yesterday." I froze. What the hell was going on? "Was it Katherine? I'm Jennifer by the way." I heard her mutter before introducing herself. She opens the door for us and as we exit I glanced one last time into the room. As the door closed, I thought I saw Iris sitting in the head chair, leaning back with her legs on the table, a smile on her lips. Then my vision was blocked by the door. Knowing I did just saw her, my hand flew out, pushing the door open. No one, no one was in the room. "What's wrong Lorraine?" Dad calls after me. "N-nothing. Must be my imagination." I exit the room.

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