Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)

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*Bzz bzz* *Bzz bzz* The alarm on my phone kept buzzing. *Bzz bzz* *Bzz bz-* I clicked it off. I groan as I sat up in bed. I looked at the clock on the wall, 3:20pm. My nap lasted longer than supposed. Guess I was that tired. I got up and headed out the guest room door, towards the stairs. I looked down but saw no one. I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen to find something to eat. I then noticed a note and two envelopes on the dining table. I picked up the note,

Hey Vince! We're out to run some errands and won't be back till 5pm. Make yourself comfy and there's some microwave food in the fridge. We'll bring back some dinner too. By the way, the black envelope came for you from London HQ. The red envelope is from us to you. Sign, N.R

I picked up the black envelope first, I opened it to find a letter and a picture.

Yo Vince! You doing good? It's been a little less fun without you here at London HQ. You're always the one whom bring smiles to seriousness. We have a surprise for you but of course we can't tell you what. But the picture might let you know a little something... Leo is cranky as ever, Lily still needs some help with her work and we all miss you so much. Oops that's another clue. Anyway, hope to see you soon! Love, Team Danger.

I put down the letter with a smile and pick up the picture. It showed them all holding a piece of request form that was issued out to Gred. I wonder what they requested. I put the letter and picture back into the black envelope. I picked up the red envelope next, inside was an amount of $1000 and another note from the N.R. My eyes widened at the amount, I immediately picked up the note.

Hi Vince, hope your eyes aren't popping out of their sockets right now. This is your share of the mission of Joon Li. Just because you're on suspension it doesn't mean you can't have your share of the reward for a mission. We've split the money equally so no worries. Feel free to use it to your liking. Sign, N.R

What? My share? But I only did so little. At most I could get is $300 but I get $700 more?! I sealed up the red envelope, I took both the envelopes into my room before coming back down for lunch. After microwaving some food and watching a short movie, I realized it was 4:30. They should be coming back soon. *Ding dong* My heart skipped a beat, was I allowed to answer the door? What if it's the police? I hesitantly peeked through the window. It was Ed. I opened the door. "Um if you're looking for the Reaperz they're not in at the moment." I say to him. "Well lucky me, I was looking for you." I invited him in as I go prepare some tea.

"Why did you ring the doorbell? Last time you just burst in." I ask as I settled the cups on the coffee table. "You would probably jump a gun at me if I did that." he replies with a laugh. "I got a surprise for you though I know you just received the black envelope. The letter was delayed as it was hard to find it within all the fan mails, here, this is a present for you." He gave me a box I didn't notice he was holding. I raised an eyebrow when he said fan mails but I was more interested in the gift he'd brought me. I opened it and found some new clothes at the top, in the middle were my clothes that were supposedly suppose to come tomorrow. I dug through the clothes and found two pairs of converse and at the very bottom, was another box wrapped in bubble wrap. I look at Ed, he gestures me to go on. I took it out of the box and unwrapped the three layers of bubble wrap. I opened it and my eyes widened. There was a jet black steel flame thrower gun but what caught my eye was my initial that was engraved in gold on the body of the gun. "Wow..." I gasp as I ran my fingers down my new baby. "I'm glad you like it." Ed said as he took a sip of tea. "Oh there's something I need to tell the others though, well I'm just gonna sit here relaxing while I wait and..." Just as he was about to put his legs on he coffee table, the door burst open and a knife came through. It flew past Ed and I felt it brush against me slightly.

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