Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives

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*Ring!!* went the school bell, it was that time of a school day. Recess. Students came flooding out onto the hallway and stairs to the canteen. In that crowd were five peculiar students whom were unusually casual on the period where most rushed. All carried an item that looked weird on the outside, but the insides are a mystery. One carried a guitar case, while another a flute. The third had a shoe bag and the forth a file one. The final one carried a rolled-up case....

"Arhhh! Finally, I wasn't sure how long I was gonna last in Math class, it was bad enough that the day started with English lessons." Katherine exclaims as she stretches out her tired arms. "Says the girl whom was hardly paying any attention to the verbs, tenses and equations!" added in Jennifer. The whole group cracked up. "What's after recess? Science?" Tricia questioned. "No, it's Geography, get the difference already." answered Takahiro. "Guys, shouldn't we get a move on? We all know we can make it to class in less than 2 minutes but we need time to eat right? Especially someone." Iris said as she eyed Katherine. Everyone laughed out loud again. "Haha, Kathy does eat slow doesn't she?" Jennifer laughed. "Ehh guys, 15 mins have already passed, we only got 20 mins left, can we pick up the pace?" Tricia says as she started to walk faster than the rest of her friends. The four looked at each other and grinned, they all started to run towards the canteen. "Race you there!" they shout as they ran past Tricia. "Hey! No fair!"

Five ordinary students, at an ordinary school, living very ordinary lives. That's what others see but there's more to them that meets the eye. Inside that guitar case wasn't a guitar, but a snipping riffle and a pair of dual guns. The flute case, not a flute, but a double katana and a riffle with scope. The shoe bag too, had a riffle with scope but with an axe. The file bag had a few tools in it along with a foldable bow with arrows and a gun taser. And last but not least, the rolled-up case was contained with nothing but throwing knives of different shapes and sizes. These five 13 year-olds were not that ordinary on the inside....they were...the Night Reaperz! No matter what time of the day it is, they head out to accomplish the goal given to them whenever. No one knows a thing, not even the people close to them. Clones are activated if needed to ensure suspicions do not rise. Connections are also used. However, everyone thinks that they are the bad guys as they kill the "good guys". These "good" people actually do dirty business behind the scenes and its the Night Reaperz's job to take care of it, especially not leaving any evidence behind. You could say they are Mystery Heroes.

But they weren't together at the beginning. Each of them came from a different background. They were all found by the boss himself and were all taken in by some sort of company known as 'Feather Wind'. A magazine company on the outside, an assassin base on the inside. Everyone calls the boss, Ed. Ed was a good man that can be a little cuckoo sometimes. Most assassins whom worked longer than the Night Reaperz in the field, found him a little 'mad' to bring 5 young kids in for recruitment. But no one knows how he got them, except him and his assistant, Susan. However, these 5 young kids', whom were younger than the other assassins in at least 6 years no less, ranks went flying out of the roof as their capabilities zoned off the charts. They may have been young, but they've got agility, speed, stamina, power and the brains. In every different training session, they would show their best in their own ways. Soon, Ed had found their specialty and had them train in that mostly whilst training for other basic moves. 

One was agile in close combat and puts both her hands to good use. Another had an ability to lurk in the shadows and attack in silence. The third had an amazing eyesight and worked best with far shots. The forth aims with skill and puts up a fight. The last had steady arms and flexible wrists.

These 5 were special in their own way but they worked together best...

*Beep beep beep* everyone's phone started to buzz. Everyone took a sneak peek at their phones, being careful that there were no teachers looking. "Oh my god are you kidding me?!" exclaims Jennifer when she saw the message. "Really? At a time like this? Does he have any idea where we are and what time it is?" says Iris. "Looks like we gotta go." Takahiro said as he started to pack his things. "Wait! What are we going to tell to our teacher? All five of us can't just disappear at the same time!" exclaims the nervous Tricia. "Chill Tri, he got us into this, he'll get us out of this. Now let's go!" Katherine drags Tricia along as the five of them exited the school in secret. A car was waiting for them near the front gates, they got in without hesitation. Along the trip they got changed and as the car came to a stop in an empty field, there was another transport waiting for them, a helicopter. "Well this is a daily hassle." says Iris as the five of them got into the helicopter. "And a bad addition to our report cards." added Jennifer.  

And so, their daily lives were intrigued with danger almost every single day. Leaving their lives...eventful...


10:05 AM 

Message from Ed:

To: Trixie, OO9, 2bullet, 50k, Phantom

Blue alert. A black market deal is going on in the dark alley streets of New York. If the deal is done, many will pay the price with their lives. Stop the deal and have the lot of them arrested by the police. I repeat, blue alert. So no killing, just injured is fine. A car is waiting near the front gates, it'll take you to a field, you guys know what to do after. ;)         

P.S Don't worry bout anything else, I'll take care of it.


Heyy peeps! How's this chapter? I know it took very long to publish but here it is! This is like there's someone explaining their lives and showing how typical it is. Yeah so basically, that's their daily lives. The next few chapters will be their daily lives being conflicted with missions and I'll soon be writing their individual pasts for a deeper understanding and feel of the story. The next chapter would probably take a while, a long while. ^-^'ll But till then, stay tuned! 

Peace, Author Angel

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