{Chapter 83}

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Xander's POV:

"You have done a very fine job, Leon,"

Splendid news came in the form of a man to who I tasked an important duty. Leon, who had gone to solve the issues of the Lynner family, returned along with them.

"The vile man forced and tricked people to sign away their rights and properties," Leon continued, as he stood in front of me. "I dragged him to the capital,"

"The man is in the dungeons, Your Majesty," Nathaniel added, looking at Leon. "I had my doubts but you but you managed to clear them all, Leon,"

"Nathaniel is right," I smiled as I folded the paper along its creases. "Make your wish, Leon. You made me delighted,"

The man seemingly blushed before finding his words. "I am glad that I could be of help, Your Majesty. Although..."

He hesitated before speaking. "I must say, that I was rather jealous that I had not been here when you found those traitors, Your Majesty,"

I was aware of which incident he was speaking of. I placed the folded paper on my desk and walked up to him.

"We will take you next time," I beamed and put an arm on his shoulder, an act which flustered him. "But you shall be rewarded for what you have done,"

After dismissing the man, I decided to talk to the Lynner family. A letter was sent to Esther's residence, with an order to raid the headquarters of the scamming men. Thankfully, Wilford Esther would take care of this matter more seriously. 

"What about Blackford and Cressel?" I asked as we made our way to the gathering.

"Both of them are present in the room,"

The room barely had ten people but the atmosphere felt friendly. But as soon as I made my way inside, people calmed down and bowed.

"I hope it was not an uncomfortable journey," I asked all of them.

"Forgive us for arriving this late, Your Majesty," Desmond Blackford began first. Besides him, was an old woman, who I assumed was his mother. He held her close and I truly liked seeing such devotion.

"You are right on time," I replied and glanced at the Lynner family. My eyes fell on a child, who was watching me with curious eyes quietly.

It had been some time since Eustice and his family left the castle. I had arranged for them to stay close and safe, in case I needed him. Seeing another child made me feel the same feelings once again.

"We can never put our gratitude into words," Gerald Lynner bowed and looked at me. "Our problem...I am glad that it is now solved,"

"My people's problems are mine too," I stated simply, making him beam.

After a few moments, the women and children left the room, leaving the men alone with me. Chairs were brought up and soon, we sank into speaking of issues. As if we had seen each other before.

"Hilan did speak of each of your abilities," I nodded at each of them. "But I must say that the best of them is all of your devotion,"

"This is our kingdom and our home," Aaron Cressel stated eagerly. "No one can harm it in such a way. Be assured, Your Majesty. That usurper will never sit on the throne,"

"For all his sins..." Desmond shook his head. "They are beyond the point of forgiveness,"

I nodded in agreement as I watched Gerald. He was quiet as a wall and spoke only when spoken to. I could see that he was still nervous about what had happened to his family.

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