{Chapter 50}

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Narrator's POV:

The man glanced at the balcony, watching his soldiers train. He is dark from a silver goblet, a liquid as dark as blood.

A knock on his door can be heard. He uttered the words and allowed the man to enter. A tall, slightly long-haired man entered the room and bowed to the man.

"There has been urgent news about Lord Esther, Your Majesty," he said slowly.

The man turned and placed his goblet on the desk with a clink.

"I suppose he is making his way here, General?" He asked in a dark and authoritative tone.

General Anthony shook his head and bowed his head downwards. What news he had was sure to disappoint the man who stood in front of him.

"He had been caught and imprisoned by your nephew. This happened five days ago. Someone ratted him out to the boy,"

The man's expression displayed beyond rage. He knew that he should not have trusted an oaf of a drunkard. And yet he did. Darwin Esther knew quite a lot about the scheme more than William Sunster did. If he spills any of that information, his plan of taking over Anthreal would plummet into the ground.

He looked back and glanced at his soldiers. They have been training for nearly a decade and more have joined his cause. He had enough of playing the sly game of spying and secrets.

It was time to act.

"How many soldiers do we have, General?" He asked loudly.

"Fifty thousand strong, Your Majesty,"

"I suppose my plan has to be altered." The man sighed and glanced at the large ring on his hand.

In the end, blood spilling is inevitable.

Catheline's pov:

It had been a week since that conversation we had by the swing. After that, Xander got busier with his work. Yet, he found time to spare for me.

Today, he summoned me to the large relics chamber to show something important. As excited as I was, Karra pointed out that I looked weary.

"Careful, Your Grace," she whispered as she led me out of my room.

"I know," I whispered back.

When we reached the outside, we met a guard who was supposed to escort us. He was a tall man with curly cream-coloured hair resting on his shoulder level. Caution ran through my blood as I realised that he was unfamiliar.

"Your Grace," the man uttered and bowed, all a bit quick. "My name is Leon-"

"Her Grace did not ask for your name, Sir," Karra cut him off harshly.

The man looked at us hesitantly before nodding. He could not have been older than twenty. Possibly even younger.

"Quiet," I nudged Karra. "Do not mind her rudeness. Please go ahead,"

After hearing my kind tone, the man smiled and quickly began walking. Karra glared at him with her cheeks bright red, which I found funny.

We walked on for a few minutes and I got a chance to observe the sky. It was beginning to grow more cloudy and dark, bothering me. I suppose this will be the last rain of the year.

At last, he stopped at a door where Nathaniel was present as well.

"I thought you might get lost," he told the guard after bowing to me. I was surprised to see him all jovial with this man.

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