{Chapter 17}

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Xander's POV:

"You all might be wondering why I summoned you so early," I stated.

I conducted a council meeting with all the Dukes and Ministers to discuss what I found. Some might say that it is too soon but it had to be held.

"Your Majesty, we have to talk about Duke Sunster," one of the ministers, Sunfrey, told me.

"I rather not mention him. Just couldn't believe that he had been a traitor," another Duke replied anxiously.

Fredrick Vernet, was currently the youngest member of the council due to his father passing away. He must be the same age as Nathaniel. I gazed at him with interest.

"Tell me, Duke Vernet, what do you think about this?" I asked him.

This was to test him on whether he could be ideological and wistful. Since he didn't serve my father, there could be hope for him as he was in the same generation as me.

Frederick Vernet looked at me with panic. But quickly regained his composure.

"I think it's rather absurd, My King. Coming to think of it, Duke Sunster had been loyal to the previous King. My father had always talked greatly about him. If he was a traitor, think of how many are present," he said calmly.

I mentally approved of him. He looks like a weakling but has good speaking abilities. I looked at the others and they all seemed to listen intently. I found no one suspicious so far.

"What do you all think of his statement?" I asked them.

They all fell quiet and some were looking anxious. Now, it's the perfect time to pull the ace.

"I have found some interesting pieces of information from someone recently. It is very shocking and I couldn't believe it." I told them with a calm voice.

All the officials present there looked at me.

"What is it that worries you, Your Majesty?" Duke Vernet inquired.

I sighed ominously.

"Well, I have an inquiry about my father. Most of you have served him and know more about him. So tell me, did he have a half-brother?" I said it out calmly.

The entire room fell silent. Some people quivered in shock as if they knew something.

"I have received such information from someone. This is such shocking news to hear. How come I have never known about it?" I asked them all.

The whole room fell silent. I was hoping for some sort of reaction or an explanation. But this was a test that could decide the good from the bad. I almost gave up before someone voiced their thoughts.

"Your Majesty...most of us do know about him. But it was through rumors and gossip. Your father had never mentioned him in front of us and hence, we do not know much about him," an elderly Duke, Daven, reported.

"Then why was I not informed of it?"

The old man sighed as if the matter was intricate.

"He left before long ago, Your Majesty. Who knew he would show up with this evil motive of trying to harm you?" He replied calmly.

I gathered whatever information I had just heard in my mind. Duke Daven was a man who I have no idea about his personality or loyalty. All I knew was that he served my grandfather and my father. He is the oldest member of this council.

"Elest Simion was-"

That was the sentence I had been waiting for. I quickly looked up at the man who had said that. He was Duke Esther, a man whom also I have no idea about.

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