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"You got expelled from school today?!" Angelica exclaimed over the blaring music. "How did that happen?"

"Come to my room! I'll show you!" I grabbed her hand and hurriedly led her upstairs, away from the dancing crowd in the living room.

My birthday party was in full swing, with all my friends and family downstairs enjoying themselves. Ariana Grande was performing, but I had already seen her in concert twice.

"I got expelled because Zane bought me Snickers for my birthday!" I explained as we walked through the long corridor. My room was situated at the end of the hallway.

"Snickers?!" Angelica asked, her expression filled with confusion. She lifted the hem of her glittery dress slightly to keep up with my pace. "You got expelled because Zane brought you a chocolate bar?"

"No, silly!" I laughed and opened the door to my room, gesturing towards the small, fluffy puppy on the bed. "Meet Snickers Vasilios. My son and your nephew."

Angelica's eyes widened. "Oh my god!" she squealed, rushing towards the sleeping puppy. "He's sooooo fluffy and tiny!"

"Yeah, I know," I sighed dreamily, gazing at the snoozing puppy in her arms. Since he arrived, he had been sleeping most of the time—a little lazy dog. "Zane's birthday gift to me this year."

"He really went all out this year, didn't he?" Angelica remarked, raising an eyebrow. She gently stroked the puppy's back, causing him to stir slightly but not wake up.

"I know. I thought nothing could top last year's gift, but he proved me wrong."

"Oh yeah. Last year's gift was epic. A performance from the chainsmokers in your backyard? Yeah that was one hell of a birthday surprise."

"Don't forget the Daniel Wellington watch that also came with the performance. That watch cost like a hundred dollars or so."

Even though I know a hundred dollars is not much for people like us, it was still expensive for a watch.

Angelica chuckled and placed Snickers back on the bed. "He's the best guy friend you could have ever asked for."

A smile formed on my lips as I think about all the memories we have. "He's definitely the best."

"But wait... how did you two got kicked out again?"

"Well... I promised him that I wouldn't scream when he would show what was inside his backpack..." I bit my bottom lip as I avoided eye-contact with Angelica.

"And let me guess... you broke that promise?"

I let out a tired yawn as I shuffled into the kitchen, my body still craving more sleep after crashing into bed last night. A dull headache throbbed in my temples, evidence of a restless sleep.

Lost in my drowsiness, I absentmindedly opened the fridge, hoping to find something for breakfast. Suddenly, a voice broke through the fog of my half-awake state.

"Good morning..." my mom greeted me, leaning against the kitchen counter, a steaming coffee mug in her hand.

I jumped in surprise, my grogginess dissipating for a moment as I turned to face her. She wore a wide smile, far too energetic for this early hour.

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