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As I stepped into the bustling California mall, I could already feel a sense of dread wash over me. Shopping was never my thing, and the prospect of finding the perfect dress for the upcoming ball seemed like an arduous task. Thankfully, Angelica had offered to accompany me on this shopping trip, her enthusiasm for fashion evident in every step she took.

As we perused the racks of elegant dresses, Angelica couldn't help but chatter away about the latest trends, the most flattering styles, and the perfect accessories to complete the ensemble. She had an uncanny ability to analyze outfits and envision how they would enhance my appearance, especially in front of Zane. I listened half-heartedly, nodding along as she described how a particular dress would make me look like a "meal" to him.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I playfully slapped the back of her head, scolding her for her suggestive comment. "Angelica, seriously? You've got such a perverted mind sometimes. Let's focus on finding a dress that makes me feel confident and comfortable, rather than trying to seduce Zane with my outfit."

Angelica rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish grin. "Okay, okay, you caught me. I can't help but get carried away with all this fashion talk. But seriously, Amari, you deserve to look stunning on that night. You and Zane have been dancing around your feelings for ages. It's about time you made an impression."

I sighed, realizing that she had a point. Together, Angelica and I combed through the racks, trying on various styles, colors, and fabrics. With each dress I tried on, she offered genuine feedback and encouragement. We laughed, exchanged stories, and even indulged in some impromptu dance moves in the fitting rooms. People were looking at us as if we were crazy.

By the end of the shopping spree, we had found the dress - a breathtaking midnight blue gown that hugged my curves and exuded elegance. As I stood before the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This dress would make a statement, not for the purpose of seduction, but as a testament to my own strength and confidence.

As we left the mall, bags in hand, I couldn't thank Angelica enough for her endless support and infectious enthusiasm. With a newfound sense of excitement, I couldn't wait to see Zane's reaction when I stepped into the ballroom, dressed in the gown that made me feel like a true queen.


As I stepped through the threshold of my home, my eyes widened in disbelief at the sight that greeted me. The living room was adorned with an extravagant display of roses, their vibrant colors filling the air with their sweet fragrance. Amongst the sea of blossoms, I noticed boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates scattered throughout, adding a touch of indulgence to the scene.

My heart skipped a beat as I noticed a small, elegantly crafted envelope nestled amidst the petals. Gingerly, I picked it up, my hands trembling with a mix of excitement and curiosity. I carefully opened the envelope, revealing a heartfelt message written in Zane's unmistakable handwriting.

"Dear sugar plum, not sure what you are doing right now but I'm losing my fucking mind over you. Sincerely, Z."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter, a mixture of surprise, amusement, and affection bubbling within me. Zane always had a flair for the dramatic, and this grand gesture was no exception. It was both endearing and overwhelming, his words resonating deep within my heart.

Unable to contain my excitement, I immediately reached for my phone and dialed Zane's number. As the line connected, I could hear the anticipation in his voice. "Did you find the surprise? What do you think?"

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