chapter 12

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            It’s been two weeks since I have had any human contact unless you count Officer Russell. I won’t even talk to Connor even though he’s my second in command. Good thing I’ve been very busy so I haven’t had much time to really think about what happened just a few weeks ago. I’ve had many meetings with the other Generals, while also having paper work, and even working on my fighting skills. I’ve been working so hard on controlling my bloodlust that I know I’m close to mastering it. I thought I could keep it up until one day, after a meeting between us Generals, it was decided that I should take a small group of men to the enemy’s weaponry station and find out what the secret weapon is, if there is one.

            So here I am now, in a small helicopter with my old team and Connor. He decided to tag along because he knew his way around. Jacks wanted to come but I knew his anger would get the best of him so I held him back and had him take care of his brother. We only needed Alex for codes and security so he stayed back also. Even though Connor knew the layout of the facility, doesn’t mean he knew all of the information.

            I sigh as I feel the tension rising in the helicopter. The guys haven’t taken their eyes off each other. I have a suspicion that it’s because of me but try to ignore it. We don’t have time for this. I just want to get this mission over with so I can go back in my office and hide out. I was going to say something until I heard the pilot tell us we were landing. I turn to the guys.

            “Alright, suit up. We’re going in swiftly and quietly.” I say seriously.

            All of them nod their heads and start to get ready. As we get close to the ground, I remind the men of the game plan.

            “Alright, we’re keeping it simple. Connor’s coming with me so he can point me in the right direction. I’m going to look for the weaponry room while Tristan keeps a look out from above. Tristan’s going to be our eyes while Alex is our ears. Gale and Brock are going to stay in the shadows but if a problem crosses our paths, they’re going to distract the enemy as much as they can. Got it?” I ask.

            “Yes General.” They all say in unison.

            “Roger.” Alex says in the mic.

            “Good, then let’s go. Everyone into your positions.” I say.

            Everyone takes off and before I take off, Tristan stops me.

            “General, where should I go to get a good view?” Tristan asks.

            I think a moment before speaking.

            “Take the helicopter and use the night and clouds as camouflage. Also, use the new binoculars Jacks made. It’s supposed to zoom in much more.” I say.


            I start to turn back around before I feel hands grab my shoulders and pull me into an embrace.

            “Please, please be careful.” Tristan whispers in my ear.

            I feel my heart pick up a bit and decide to indulge just this once. I hug Tristan back and nod my head.

            “General, we have to go.” Connor says.

            Tristan releases me and we stare at each other for a moment before Connor and I take off. In the distance, I hear the helicopter in the air and hope to god no one notices it.

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