chapter 9

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            It’s been a week since I have talked to Officer Russell and nothing has happened yet. I’ve been paranoid the whole time and keep watching my back. I don’t know when it’s going to come and what it’s going to be. I don’t know if it’s going to be life threatening or not. This is so stupid! I shouldn’t even be given a test. I’m not right for the position. What doesn’t Officer Russell get? I can’t lead a whole army. I just got the respect of the men in camp. No army is going to listen to a little girl like me, no matter how strong I am.

            I decide to go visit Connor today. I have been visiting him every day and he’s a fun guy to talk to. Jacks afraid I’m getting attached and maybe I am but he’s not a bad guy. Actually, I would really like to have him on our side but I know he wouldn’t betray his own country.

            I pass the guard and nod to him. He smiles and nods back and opens the door for me. I sit at the table and a moment later, Connor is seated across from me. The guard undoes Connor’s cuffs and leaves. Silence surrounds us but it’s a comfortable silence. I lean back in my seat and smile at him. He does the same.

            “Miss Anna.” Connor nods at me, stilling smiling.

            “Mr. Smith.” I say, also smiling.

            He sighs.

            “Now Anna, I thought I told you to call me by my nickname.”

            “Oh you are right. I almost forgot.” I smirk at him. “Mr. Baby cakes.” I wink at him.

            He chuckles.

            “And don’t forget it.” He winks back at me.

            “So Connor, how are they treating you?” I ask.

            “Surprisingly good. They haven’t tortured me yet.” He looks at me closely. “Is this your doing?”

            “Maybe.” I say deviously.

            He smiles.

            “Well thank you. But I am curious as to why.”

            “Because I like you Connor. You’re a good man and even though you are the enemy, I hope that one day we can be friends.” I say honestly.

            “But Miss Anna,” He leans close to me and I do the same. He whispers, “I thought we already were.”

            I lean back and laugh.

            “I suppose you are right baby cakes.” I say.

            “So what brings you here Anna?” He leans back again.

            “Oh just thought I would check in.” I say casually.

            “Well then, would you mind if I asked you a few questions?”

            I think for a moment before nodding.

            “Who’s winning the war?”

            “At the moment, we are at a disadvantage.” I say.

            “And why is that?”

            “Because we lost one of our generals.”

            “But so has my side.”

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