Chapter Eight | Kitten

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JAMES SIPPED HIS coffee and watched as his butler appeared in his peripheral vision. He didn't remove his gaze from the newspaper he was currently reading, "what is it?"

"A missive just arrived for you, Your Grace."

James held out his hand and a sealed paper entered it. Setting down the newspaper, he ripped it open. He was aware of Vivienne's gaze from across the table as she curiously looked on while eating a plum cake. He ignored her.

His eyes quickly scanned the document, careful of presenting any outwards emotion.

Your Grace,

I investigated Lady Selina's governess like you requested. Her name was Deborah, and she was in the earl's employment until a few months before his death. It was a difficult task to locate her as she moved back into the country but I as able to speak to her. Her reasons for leaving were an ailing mother whom she had returned to nurse back to health.

I also investigated if the late earl was planning on fleeing the country. He had not spoken to anyone about getting passage into America. However, once I asked some other lads at one of the gaming halls, I learned that he died in the same carriage incident as your father. I was unable to gather more detail on that incident, but I believe that the Home Office may have more information. Although I am unable to request access to such information, it maybe plausible for a peer of the realm in your standing.

- Gilford

James' heartbeat increased as he read the last few words. He never believed his father's death as being suspicious. He had only been eight at that time, not remembering much at that age. What he did remember was the pain and agony upon his mother's and her becoming promptly sick afterwards. His great-aunt Esme had lived with them until his mother's death and James had been shipped off to Eton soon after.

What were the chances that two high ranking members of the aristocracy were in a carriage incident together? They must have been targeted for a purpose, only he didn't know what it was. Could it have simply been a highway robbery? He did not believe so. Gentlemen didn't usually carry large sums of money worth murdering for. Besides, he remembered his father being a decent shot. He would not have been an easy target.

It seemed that his search for Lady Selina was only beginning. Greater pieces— ones he hadn't imagine were falling into place. He just needed to put them together to see the entire puzzle.


Vivienne finished the last book the duke had given her with a sigh. She didn't think it was possible, but she was tired of reading. The last few days, she'd confined herself to the room finishing the novels quickly. Her favourite was still Pride and Prejudice out of the three she had read.

She walked up to the window, which overlooked the garden. The duke had quickly fled after breakfast upon receiving a note. Vivienne had been curious but before she could ask him a question, he had excused himself to his study before departing the manor a couple of hours later. She didn't think he was back yet, which made it the perfect time to explore the estate grounds. While she had a much better idea of the interior of the manor, the exterior was a different story. She hadn't been outside since the gardener banished her, but she doubted he would say anything if she ventured outside now.

Slipping out the door, she paused for a moment to see if there was any noise. She had done her best to avoid the servants of the household. While most of them kept their distance, she was aware of the glares she received from many of the other maids, often making her want to crawl back into her room. She had never received much attention—and to be despised by so many simply because of her rank was heartbreaking. She'd hoped to become friends with a few of the chamber maids, but it was now abundantly clear that she would not be welcome into their group.

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