Correspondences: Tea Potions

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Apple: Healing, sexuality, fertility, blessing.

Black: Sexuality, lust, money, courange, divination, banishing.

Chai: Same as black tea, but with added cinnamon and nutmeg for success and confidence.

Chamomile: Sleep, luck, protection, money, peace, purification. Reduces anxiety and stress, helps with insomnia, fever, arthritis, pain relief, and indigestion.

Ginger: Success and prosperity, confidence. Helps with nausea, colic, indigestion, diarrhea, fever, and sore throats.

Green: Healing, prosperity, success, cleansing, rejuvenation.

Hibiscus: Love, lust, divination.

Jasmine: Beauty, divination, love, lunar energy, dream magic.

Mugwort/Wormwood: Lucid dreaming, Shadow work. Very bitter, mild hallucinogen-- use with caution.

Lavender: Helps sleep, keeps stress and anxiety down, calmness, dream magic.

Lemon: Cleansing, healing, purification.

Oolong: Meditation, serenity, wisdom, love, divination.

Orange: Good luck, money, confidence, success.

Passion: Sleep, peace, anti-anxiety/stress.

Peach: Love, healing.

Peppermint: Good luck, money, prosperity, inspiration, purification, abundance, psychic power. Relieves nausea, anxiety, indigestion, colic, coughs, colds, and helps with pain relief.

Pomegranate: Health, prosperity, cleansing.

Rose: Luck, love, beauty.

White: Purity, protection, youth and beauty, lunar energy.

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