Chapter 21: Soulmates.

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Willow felt warm all over, being held by Rowan and holding him back. But on a second thought, aren't Vampires supposed to be cold to touch?


"Yes?" Came a reply a moment later.

"Why are you warm?"

"Because," began Rowan. "I aim to be your own personal heater."

Willow felt her heartbeat quicken, more so than it was already beating. "Are you trying to kill me? By saying stuff like that?" Willow buried her head in his chest.

Rowan chuckled, vibrating Willow.

"I'm not trying to kill you, that is for sure. But," paused Rowan. "I might be trying to woo you."

"Stop it! You should know that I'm still mad at you."

Rowan pulled back to stare at her face. "Why? I'll do everything, for you to forgive me."

"There are a lot of things, for one you ignored me for a whole week, that too without any explanation." Willow poked his chest.

"Well, I didn't want to do it either, but I had to. My feelings for you were growing, and I could see that you liked me too," Willow blushed with the fresh blood in her body at that, what did he mean by 'you liked me too'? Was she that obvious?. "But it wasn't possible between us. I didn't want to hurt you in the end when I find my mate. My Soulmate."

"Natasha said that I might be your Soulmate." Willow said quietly. Maybe she wasn't his soulmate but Willow didn't like the thought of him with anyone else.

Rowan pulled her tighter to him. "Yes, I'm coming there." Rowan smiled one of his breathtaking smile. "When I first met you, it was because you were bleeding that I was drawn." Willow furrowed her brows, but then she remembered that Triple had clutched her chin a bit too tightly, she did get a cut on her chin and then Rowan had given her his handkerchief.

Willow's eyes widened. "So, you helped me because you smelled my blood?"

"Your blood smelled so sweet, I wanted to taste it, it was nothing like the the ones I have ever tasted before, that was perhaps the first time I came acro—"

"Wait, stop. Forward a bit I don't want to listen to that part." Said Willow, even though she did enjoy being complimented by Rowan, she didn't want to hear him talk about her blood being tasty.

"One finds their Mate, from the other's blood. I could smell yours from miles away and I was worried that other Vampires would smell and would hurt you."

"You were planning on eating me?" Willow shrieked.

"I wasn't!" Said Rowan not meeting her gaze. "Okay fine, I wanted to taste your blood but at the same time I didn't want to hurt you. Nor did I want other Vampires to be attracted to you because of your sweet blood. So that doesn't mean that I was planning on eating you, just tasting would have been sufficient."

Willow narrowed her eyes, but she believed what he said. "Tasting and eating is the same thing."

"I'll never hurt you, even though I just did a moment ago, but I promise that I'll never hurt you again."

"So other Vampires huh? Are there a lot in Onyxscar?" Said Willow after moment of silence, since she knew that if he continued she'd end up confessing her undying love for him. She felt like he would feel that she was bluffing, seeing how they've hardly known each other for long, but she felt like she's known him forever.

Rowan nodded, he looked like he was ready to tell her everything, even his card pin. "The party we went to, more than half the people there, were Vampires."

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