Chapter One

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The pack house dungeon was cleaner than she imagined - she pictured bloody walls and broken floors, chains hanging from flaming pitchers and constant screams of torture, but when she opened the door to the cells silence greeted her.

With a glance down the empty hallways, she stepped over the cooling body of the dungeon guard. Carefully walking down the stairs to the cells, bloody keys tight in her hand, she remembered what orders she'd received only hours ago.

Her time undercover was over. The cause needed her, needed everyone. It was all hands on deck to bring Yuric to power - and she had to get the ball rolling once again.

She looked over her shoulder again, out of habit, but knew there was no one behind her by hearing alone. She wasn't normally this paranoid - it was ever since she got that message from Kristofer she had primal fear choking her. She'd worked her way undercover long before Andrew had the title of Alpha, when his father Roman was her superior. They never suspected her then, she told herself, so they wouldn't now.

They didn't even after what she'd done to Roman.

It was her idea to take him out. He was weaker after the death of his wife, and with a son who was only just an adult and a daughter struggling without her mother, he was distracted. Vulnerable. Her lover had said how grateful he was to her for beginning their fight against the higher powers - saying no matter what happened, they would come for her. The fight began because she gave the all clear, they were in her debt.

If she was caught doing this act of treason she hoped the rogues lived up to their word before the pack executed her.

When she stepped onto the clean, bloodless floor with the prisoners, the smell hit her first. Sour from a lack of bathing, light grease covered the dirty ground and cell bars, and they only had old mattresses and a bucket to keep them company. Like dogs in a pound, she thought bitterly, as she walked towards the cell at the end.

She paid no mind to the people beginning to crawl to the front of their cages, chipped nails digging into the cold concrete beneath and eyes sparkling with hope, but it died when she walked past. These rogues that had been caught already weren't her orders. Her focus was only on one.

When she approached the front of his cage, she hesitated for a moment, not recognising her chosen leader. He lifted his head and she swallowed. Her heart pounded. His body was bruised and bloody from when the wolves had dragged him from the old graveyard to the cells, not holding back on any vengeance for killing their old alpha.

Despite the chains on his wrists he was clutching his left arm, limp on his muscled legs. She noticed the new gigantic knot of scars on the shoulder. The atrophy was already taking effect on the frozen limb, eating him alive slowly from the lack of mobility, but the fierce life in his eyes was searing through her soul like a star.

"You came for me." Yuric whispered in delight. His people would not leave him here to rot, he would escape. He hadn't seen her in years; to look upon her beautiful face and see her dark eyes again, it made up for the week of cold misery in the cells.

The scowl on her face eased slightly as she quietly unlocked the door to Yuric's cell. "Kristofer called. He's bringing everyone in to finish what you started - and we can't do that without you."

Yuric lifted his chin in pride as she used another key to undo the chains on his body. "They didn't follow you?"

"They suspect nothing, like always."

"And the wolf who held the keys?"

"She died without a word - I'm coming with you." She looked up at him as she took the chains off, careful not to make a noise. "I'm back at your side, my love."

Yuric raised his good hand to gently stroke her waist, happy she was finally back in his arms. He trusted no one else to get under Roman's nose to find his weakness. "Where's the little river and that witch?" Yuric snarled, eyes aflame at the thought of the girl who killed his arm. He would return the favour tenfold when he saw her again.

"Andrew's pack received a tip from one of his scouts - they left this morning, heading for Widderin. Just those two." She helped him to his feet, running her eyes over him again as Yuric stood to his full height. He took a deep breath in, tasting the fresh air that wafted through his nose from the door she left open.

"Andrew and his runts aren't following?"

"They've let them go from the looks of it." She replied, leading him back through the cells. She didn't make a move to free her fellow rogues, walking past without a glance. She hadn't been given orders to release them and Yuric was in no hurry to free the people that had been foolishly captured.

She recognised the four they bound in shackles - all put there by the fault of Lily Morgan. Two had kidnapped Alice but Lily had beat them down before they could kill her. The other two tried to kidnap Lily herself while Nova High was in lockdown, but they failed as well.

Whenever Lily Morgan was around, the fight for freedom slipped between their fingers.

"They freed their biggest chance of defeating us." Yuric hissed in delight as they reached to the end of the cells. The rogues in the dungeon began to stir when they realised they were being left in the dirt. They screamed, slamming their chains into the bars to make any noise, to be noticed by their leader, but it was no use.

Yuric got to the end of the stairs and slammed the door shut, the sound dying when the lock slid in place. He turned to his lover. The corners of his mouth turned up, a sinister chuckle escaping as Yuric relished in the lack of chains around his arms. His quest to kill all above him had only strengthened in his days prisoner and now he was adamant to do everything to fulfill it.

The girl Lily was going to die, that was his plan, but the witch was going to be his treat. It was personal. He'd enjoy killing her, he would make her scream. He'd make her know real pain.

The blood from the dead guard pooled at his feet, his toes curling in. He stared at the pale, shocked face. His lover had killed her quickly and painlessly, a trait that made him fall in love with her all the more. She was his prize, his treasure, and she was the gun that fired before the race to be free from the Supernovas began.

First Alpha Roman. Next, the little river and her mouthy witch friend.

He would not grant them the mercy of a quick and painless death.

It was personal now.

Yuric smiled at his scowling love, who was wondering when they would run out of the pack territory and to Kristofer and the waiting rogues. Their alpha was coming home.

"Let's begin the hunt."


And Tempest begins! I hope you're as excited for the sequel as I am, I can't wait to see all your comments. 

Who do you think the traitor is? She was a named character in Typhoon. 

Let me know what you think, as always! 

Libby x

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