Chapter 10-Herded Like a Sheep

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Xiu Xiang didn't know when she had fallen asleep but by the time she had awoken, sunlight was already pouring into the cave.

"Ah! My legs!" she cried as she looked down.

Wei Xing had spent the entire night using her as a human pillow until her legs went numb. It felt like thousands of ants were crawling over her legs.

Not wanting to wake him up, she gently pulled him off of her and laid him onto the ground.

She quickly checked his condition and found that the side effects of the medicine from yesterday seemed to have worn off as he was no longer shivering. She threw some more wood into the dying fire and then made her way to the exit of the cave.

"First things first. Let's find some food," Xiu Xiang said. She stretched her body out and made sure that there was no danger before she left the cave.

She didn't venture far when she came upon a stream.

There were plenty of fishes and she easily caught a few. Pulling out a knife from her bag, she cut up bamboo to use as a water container. Once she filled it up with fresh water from the stream, she started to backtrack towards the cave.

She could just see the entrance when she felt a dangerous presence closing in on her.

"How'd they managed to find them?" she thought.

Wei Xing covered their tracks so well.

Her head turned in the direction where the cave was. If she returned, she could possibly lead them back there.

If they were willing to kill her, they wouldn't mind killing Wei Xing off too. Right now, the poison hasn't subside and he was terribly weak. There was no way he can fend off four people even with her help. She could escape now and avoid detection but what if they find their way to the cave?

She racked her brains out and finally did something she would soon regret.

"Dammit, Wei Xing. Someday far off in the future when we meet again as enemies, you really have to remember this!" she thought bitterly. She hung the three fishes she had caught on a tree limb and leaned the bamboo container of water against the tree trunk.

He'll have something to eat when he comes searching for her, at least.

She purposely headed in the direction of the voices and made her presence known.

"Over there!" she heard Ren Wu Ji exclaimed.

"Fuck my life!" Xiu Xiang thought as she raced in a random direction. An arrow came zooming past her head and nearly cutting her ear off.

"Missed again!" she heard an angry voice spat.

Xiu Xiang was so going to remember this. Ren Wu Ji was just as bad as Wang Yue!

More arrows came zooming by and she barely managed to dodge them all. She could hear Ren Wu Ji's evil laughter of hunting his prey.

Just then she felt danger coming from her left.


She nearly toppled over as she struggled to run forward. She shifted direction to the right and continued running. It seemed harder to run as her pathway started inclining but even then her pursuers couldn't catch up to her. Xiu Xiang dodged tree limbs and jumped over dead logs. She scraped her face and body as she ran but she didn't stop.

Once again, she felt danger getting closer but this time it was coming from the right. She veered off towards the left and felt a burst of adrenaline. The higher she climbed, the more out of breath she was. She was sure that she was going slower yet her pursuers still haven't caught up to her.

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