Chapter 21

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"And as part of tradition we have saved the most anticipated match for last," The announcer's voice booms from the speakers around us as he remains hidden from view.

"My fellow Plutonian's and dear hardworking humans, I bring to you our last match of the day: Michael versus Commander Veron."

I clutch the rims of my seat tightly, ignoring the stinging pain in my bitten finger and forearm, the throbbing in my nose and ribs. My eyes shift wildly around me wondering why I have been made to sit here. 

I see three other fighters being guided towards me and they sit in the empty seats next to me, all looking as confused as I feel. 

Nobody dares say a word as we sit in the exclusive seating area surrounded by Plutonian's. The Trinity are seated a few rows behind and I steal a glance at Lucian but when I catch his face I notice his expression is as confused as mine. 

Only Lazarus seems to be enjoying himself and when he catches my eye, he shoots me a wide toothed grin which makes me realize that he must be behind this. I look behind him, wondering why the generals aren't saying anything -not that they usually do- and am surprised to find them absent. I didn't notice that they weren't here today.

I turn around slowly and my body shivers involuntarily as I see Michael walk into the pit from a door that has slid open in the walls. As he walks to the center, I can see his shoulders slumped in defeat already. 

One look at him makes me feel like throwing up as I remember our last match and how he ended up here. Something clicks in my head and it all finally makes sense.  I look to my left and right at the three fighters who have joined me and remember at least two of them defeating Michael in his matches before mine.

The boy who sits two seats away looks at me just as I glance at him and I remember him being the one who injured Michael's foot, which I had used to my advantage. 

Michael stands in the center looking around at all the spectators who are silent with anticipation and he jumps when a door to the pit slides open and out comes a Plutonian. Michael himself is big and tall but when the Plutonian joins him at the center of the pit, he looks like a miniature figure next to him. 

I eye the Plutonian named Veron from head to toe and my throat feels dry enough to choke. He must be at least seven feet tall and all pure muscle. He wears the same suit as Michael but with his silver hair and cold calculating blue eyes I can already guess how this match is going to end. 

I shut my eyes tightly and rock back and forth hoping that this is just a great big nightmare and that I would wake up in a hospital bed with my wounds stitched up. I had planned to miss this match because this was the last thing I wanted to see. 

"Commander Veron, thank you for fighting for us today," Lazarus's voice pierces through the air that is wrought with tension and I immediately open my eyes to stare at him. I don't remember the Trinity or the generals making any announcements before. 

His bright eyes gleam in excitement as he scans the crowd. His eyes settle on the row I am seated in and he speaks again. 

"The matches between humans and Plutonian's are never to be taken lightly. They are meant to be a learning curve for those who wish to join the great Plutonian army and that is why I must stress that it is imperative that you watch this match with your eyes wide open and unblinking to show your utmost respect," He commands and I visibly flinch wondering if that comment was meant for me specifically. 

I clutch my seat painfully as he adjourns to his place and watch as Michael and Commander Veron exchange formalities. Michael barely looks at his opponent in the face and when he lifts his hand for a shake I can see that he is visibly shaking. 

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