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Author's Note: I just wanted to say, in case it comes up, I know that some pictures of the characters I put up aren't actually the actors that I listed as casted to those characters. Usually it's just because I can't find the name of the model who is in the picture- so I looked up someone better known who I think would portray what I view the characters to be like. Not that I expect you as readers to think of the characters the same way (you can imagine them however you like)! Anyway, on to the story...


“Can we keep her as a pet, Xander?” Aveline asked, pouting at Xander in an almost childlike manner. The way they molded against each other sitting on the bed while she pleaded into his eyes appeared automatic, and for some reason it looked as natural as being born that way. The sight seemed very intimate to me, which didn’t help my red cheeks that refused to let up since the proposition of a threesome had come up, but at the same time I was pretty much enthralled by the sudden passion I could see between the two of them.

On the other hand, I wasn’t thrilled at being referred to as a pet.

“Temporarily,” Xander responded, running his fingers through the strands of her sable brown hair, “But try not to get too attached, precious. Her fate isn’t set as of yet and I wasn’t given a timeline.” The response appeared to be enough because Aveline smiled and leaned into him, delivering a very sweet kiss that held an amazing amount of passion at the same time. She then clapped her hands together and focused on me.

“It’s like having a baby tiger that could end up potentially ripping everyone’s throat out, I’m so excited,” Aveline exclaimed happily. I really wouldn’t describe myself as a tiger… a baby gopher maybe, but a tiger not so much. “Are you hungry, Elysia? You’ll need some clothes. Oh, what am I thinking? Look at you. Let’s take a bath.”

I glanced down at my body to see dried blood along my legs and arms. I wondered at my wrists which were coated in a layer of dried blood, but again I noticed that there was no pain to be felt beyond the irritation of needing to use the bathroom. I wondered if under the dried blood there were bruises and wounds that were numb due to the blood I drank from Xander. Actually, I wondered a lot of things, such as where I was… what exactly these creatures were… why I was here… It was pointless to even think over the questions buzzing through my mind because I knew I was too scared to ask any of them.

“Come along, little tiger,” Aveline held out her hand reproachfully. I looked from her to Xander. Again I had to tell myself that I needed people on my side at this point, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth it considering I was being referred to as a pet that they wouldn’t get too attached to. I kicked myself mentally and reached out to grab her hand timidly.

The bedroom was connected to an inside hallway which held a closet full of bathrobes and towels, and the hallway was connected to the bathroom. It was a rather large bathroom, with a theme of white and black marble. The bathtub was like a hot tub, with a large showerhead that I imagined would feel like standing under a waterfall. Aveline began drawing a bath herself before turning to tug on my clothes. I jerked back and blushed deeply.

“Come now, we ladies have seen it all,” She winked charmingly. I hesitated, not really excited to be naked in front of a stranger willingly. But there was something warm and relaxing about Aveline. I guess I could feel grateful that Xander didn’t come to help me undress as well.

I lifted my arms so that she could lift Xander’s shirt from off of me and then crossed my arms over my breasts by reflex. Then I let her lower the pair of comfortable shorts I had been wearing just before I’d been abducted. I don’t know why I thought that would be the end of my mortification, but I was proved wrong when she began to remove her own clothing. I felt at this point my entire body was red from dried blood and blushing.

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