Chapter 25: Ronnie

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Little does Kimberley know, I am done with my bowl of ice cream a few second after she is.  I wipe my mouth and Jama doesn’t even question where I’m going.  He probably already knows.  I pull on my boots and follow her footprints out to the barn.  She left the door open, stupid mistake.  Once I step in the barn, the foul smell hits me almost instantly. 

                I cover my nose with my sleeve not wanting to breathe in the scent.  I walk in a little ways and look down both ways seeing Kimberley looking in one of the stalls.  I roll my eyes and walk over to her.  “Kimberley.”  She snaps her head towards me, surprised.  Her face soon subsides and she turns back to the stall.  “Hey Ronnie.”  She says.

                I walk up to her and look in the stall.  A Golden horse is there eating the hay off the ground.    He is beautiful.  His legs and structure are built for running and distance.  Looks like he could carry a few extra pounds. 

                “What’s his name?”  I ask Kimberley.

                “Gold Bond.  Met him earlier.”  He looks young.  About four. She leans forward more looking at the horse.  “I want to ride him, so badly.”

                I stare at the horse as he munches on the straw and flicks his tail back and forth, shooing the flies away.

                “Yeah, he is pretty.”  I say.  “I just think he’s not the horse for me.”  Kimberley doesn’t seem to care.  I sigh and walk away looking at the horses in the other stalls.  Some are black’ white, multi colored, grey, brown, tan.  So many to look at.  Until one catches my eye I need to see it.  I walk up to the stall and read the golden plate on the door.  Shant.  Gender male. Age three.  I look into the stall and see a young horse lying down scratching his shoulder with his head.  He has a white star on his forehead and a black muzzle.  He is a chestnut brown color with white stockings on his feet and he has a black tail and main. 

                He looks forward and snorts. He is a little smaller than Gold Bond, but still looks like he could run a distance or so.  He is the horse for me. 

                “Hey Kimberley look at this one.”  I don’t look back but hear her come up next to me looking at the horse.  “Hm.”  She nods her head.  “I like him, but I told you Gold Bond is my horse.”

                “Your horse?”  Kimberley and I jump back at the sound of Jama’s voice. My whole body freezes in shock. 

                “Uh,” Kimberley stutters, “I . . . uh . . . what I mean is . . . I want to ride him.”

                “Ride him, Gold Bond?”  Jama chuckles a little walking over to Gold Bonds stable.  “Gold Bond is not used to strangers.  He prefers people he already knows to ride him.  I won him of a coin toss between another horse owner.  I chose my foul which was Gold Bond.  I actually chose him for his looks.  Turns out he’s more than just looks.  He’s fast and strong.  After all these years, I can never be more grateful to God that he gave me him.  He’s a fine horse.”

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