Chapter 38 A Second Later

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"What? Why? Did you provoke someone else?"

"No! I see two.--"

His body is engulfed in a dark shadow, and a hand reaches to Xiao's communicator, abruptly terminating the connection. His heart tightened and he slowly lifted his head, one of the men was smiling at him.

"My name is Lyle. I am a new researcher here. What's your name?"

The man's face looked kind, but the atmosphere didn't quite reach his eyes, which gleamed with murderous intentions.

"Why do you look so frightened? I'm not going to eat you. I'm not a zombie." His voice was soft but resonated with something terrible.

"...." Xiao Yan's stood frozen, unable to speak.

"Where is Colonel Casey. We have a research project to discuss with him."

"He is in his lab." Xiao struggled to steady his trembling voice. Casey should be at a boardroom meeting right about now. He doesn't know if the man believes his lie or not.

Their target is clearly Casey!

"Thank you."

The man's smile immediately dissolved and he reached behind his back for something.

Xiao Yan knew he was in danger and he quickly pressed the emergency button on his com device.

Suddenly an alarm rang throughout the entire institute.


The man's reaction was rapid and Xiao didn't even have time to react.

A blade pierced his body, penetrating into his organs. The pain was unreal, the breath pulled from his lungs as warm blood rushed out of his body. A boot slams mercilessly down onto his abdomen as the man yanks the knife out.

"Hey! What the hell are you thinking! How dare you trigger the alarm!"

"It was this guy!"

His blade flashed again and Xiao Yan knew he was about to slice his throat.

The other man, stilled his hand.

"Don't waste time. We have to get to Casey."

The blade halts in midair and the two assassins rush out of the dining hall.

Xiao Yan is collapsed on the ground, his hands futilely holding his wounds as the blood pours and pools around him. His strength dissolves and his vision blurs into a thick haze.

Frantic noises drift in from outside the restaurant as the two killers flee, waving their blades as they ran.

What fools, I already closed the channel and locked them in...Xiao's Yan's thoughts are fading.

Don't know if Casey made it out.

The pain that was previously unbearable disappeared, his sight diminished and all sound became muffled and distant.

This time, he really is going to die.

Not at the hands of zombies, but might as well be. Misery unfolds throughout his mind.

So much that he still wanted to do. His research wasn't finished, he has never been to the Amazon...He wants to...see...once more...


At this time, the Special Task Force craft has landed outside the Academy and more than a dozen soldiers rush into the building.

Heine, Mark and Liv move along the main channel, occasionally seeing dead researchers.

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