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"jungkook-ah.." you called, using the softest tone you had ever done in your life. it wasn't really your type of thing to do but you desperately wanted to remove his attention from the laptop's screen. "what?" jungkook deadpanned with a half-assed tone. probably, he was still angry.

you inhaled a sharp breath before muttering, "i'msorryitwasmyfaultsopleaseforgiveme." it was quicker than the lightning bolt crashing on earth and faster than eminem's rapping - but it surprised you that jungkook understood you very well.

"one more time. i want to hear it one more time." jungkook finally landed his eyes on you. the swivel chair creaked as he turned around to face you. weirdly, a sheepish smile crept its way onto your lips and you don't mind saying it properly anymore.

"i'm sorry. so.. can you forgive me?" you were joking when you spread your arms wide open - as if wanting to be embrace. and it all felt awkward when he stared at you with an unreadable conjuncture. "i was joking." you said, trying to hint him that you were actually disappointed and wish he would actually hug you.

and it happened.

before you even managed to reacts to it, your face were dug up into his layers of clothing. jungkook's hand gently placed itself on the back of your head, slowly getting his slender fingers tangled with your hair. his other hand securing your back - hugging you tighter than ever. you could not mutter a word, your breaths were muffled and you could clearly hears it - the loud thundering of his heartbeat.

'so jungkook feels this way too.'

his chest moved up and down as he breathed, he rested his chin on your head and you can hear a small sigh escaping his mouth. "if you want a hug that badly, I'll give you as much as you want." jungkook said, almost sounded like a whisper. you really wanted to hide under the bed because a big creepy smile wouldn't stop etching on your lips.

you wish you could stay in that moment a bit longer but..

reality is cruel and it keeps wanting you to be away from him.

a/n: things about to go down (cliche maybe) so stay tuned!

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