Irregular Verbs

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Spanish is a very consistent language, but it evolved over time just like English, meaning that there are....irregularities.

*class groans*

They are easy to figure out, though. The trick is to learn the conjugations for all of them apart from the normal Spanish quickies I'll do. The percentages of irregular verbs according to Fluentu state that 5% of -ar verbs are irregular, 72% of -er verbs are irregular, and 33% of -ir verbs are irregular. However, a lot of these verbs are uncommon, and you memorize them by seeing them often in writing. There are several that you should consciously study as they are fairly common and pop up a lot in the tenses:

1.) Ser - to be (I will be talking about the conjugations for this each tense)

2.) Estar - to be (see my note on "ser" - this verb will be discussed later)

3.) Tener - to have, to own

4.) Poder - to be able to (in a sentence, this would be "I can")

5.) Hacer - to do, to make

6.) Ir - to go (this will be discussed later)

7.) Poner - to place, to put

8.) Decir - to say

9.) Ver - to see, to watch

10.) Querer - to want, to love

11.) Saber - to know, to taste/have taste

12.) Llegar - to arrive

13.) Encontrar - to find

14.) Venir - to come

15.) Pensar - to think, to think of

16.) Conocer - to get to know

17.) Sentir - to feel

18.) Recordar - to remember, to recall

These verbs are conjugated irregularly.

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