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Nina's POV:

"Mhmmm, what was it? How sexy I look tonight? Or me using the bitch's makeup." I say getting up walking to the cooler getting a nice cold mikes hard lemonade.

All I see is Blake struggling with his words so I mock him making his facial expressions as I go to the speaker to play a song that makes everyone leave because no one likes the music I like!

Start playing music dooooodes

But whatever people are annoying anyways. I then jump onto the now empty couch and start singing the song pine point by PUP (such a good bop!)

I chug my drink then reach behind me to get another drink but a hand stops me, it was the moron. "Ugh what do you want, leave me in peace, don't ruin the song."

"Nina, why didn't you call back, I called you everyday for weeks and left so many messages. You didn't even care to open them." Blake finally finds words to say.

"Aw how sweet!" I say as if I was talking to a dog lightly slapping his cheek getting up starting to dance by myself.

"Why didn't you call me." Blake seriously says which makes me laugh.

"Hmmm maybe because it's at the bottom of a lake I threw it in!" I smile. I lied, it's in my bra.

"Wh-why would you do that?"

"Cause it wanted to."

"Why would you leave just like that, everything was going so well." Blake says.

"Hmmm maybe it's because..."

"Yes I know."


"But you had no right to shut me out like that Nina." Blake stands up.

"But I did and you clearly moved on Mr. Sex Bed."

"Nina, you were all that was on my mind and since you shut me out, I shut myself out."

"Were and now not anymore, when I'm not here you are just a huge dick but whenever I come around your back to being super innocent. It's like you are just switching personalities and it's quite annoying if you ask me." I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not myself without you, it's like your the one Nina." Blake walks towards me attempted to hold my hands.

"One cannot fall in love in under 3 months." I say starting to be slightly more serious backing away. "Just forget it, this isn't some book where all your dreams come true, it's real life, now I'm talking my music and leaving."

"Nina wait!" Blake says but I ignore him running up the stairs trying to hide myself in the crowd fast because I know he is going to go after me.

I eventually push my way out of the crowd outside and of course it's starting to rain but it's just drizzling right now. I am obviously going to walk back, it's just over a mile and it's fine. There's this bridge I just love, a little pond and it's on a path that isn't a car road so it's really nice and peaceful and it's beautiful but not when it rains but even better right?

"Nina." Blake says.

"What could you possible want! That last conversation wasn't enough?" I sigh looking into the pond below.

"No and wh— wait, I thought you threw your phone in a lake, so you lied."

Without looking at him I throw my phone in the pond effortless watching it slowly sink. I didn't say anything.

Blake then stands next to me but not an inch of me moved. I just stood still.

"Nina, please answer me, why are you acting like this, this isn't you. What we had was real and fuck no one can fall in love in 3 months, love isn't like that it can do whatever it wants. Why don't you want to love me what did I do.

I was silent for a few seconds, I then stood up and looked at him. "You wanna know what you should do? You should just move on and just forget about ever 'loving' me."

"Why Nina why!"

"Why?! It's because I'm a worthless piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be loved!" I yell holding back the tears. "Now when I turn around I better not hear a word or a step towards the direction I'm going."

I slowly turn around and start taking my route back to the dorm, that we share. I just better be the first one there.


I put my key into the door and take a deep breath praying Blake will not be there. I slowly open the door... thank god he isn't here.

I work my way into the bathroom and I see train wreck in the mirror. Black mascara is all down my face. I wash all of my makeup off and take my clothes off ringing them out in the shower. I then get into shorts and a tee shirt and head into bed.

I try to resist a few tears but I didn't. Not so long later I hear keys going into the key hole and I quickly go on the side facing the wall and bring the covers up close to my face closing my eyes.

I hear the door open and hear Blake jump right into his bed and that was the last thing I heard for the rest of the night.

Hey guys!!! I'd love to hear your feedback on my chapters so please comment! I love seeing all your comments about the chapter and your predictions. But stay lit my friends and rock on🤪

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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