Chapter 43

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Standing at the window in my room with my arms crossed below my breasts, I stare out the window at the leaving fleet of black sedan cars as the sun sets. I sigh softly as the reality of what I have set in motion weighs down on me. Once the votes were in, cost and manpower had to be discussed, all of which would have gone by faster if there weren't concerns about the timeline and its exponential effect on the budget.

"Are you going to say anything or are you just going to be a coward?" Eugene's voice asks coldly behind me. "You should call him at least."

Immediately my hand goes to my chest where my engagement ring hangs on a chain against my chest at the mention of him. Turning around to face him, I give him my sharpest glare yet and he raises his hands in defence.

"You're going back to America tomorrow morning anyways and according to my men, he's on the midnight flight tonight," Eugene reasons, cautiously coming closer to me. "If I were him, I'd want to know if you're alright since he hasn't seen you since Logans's event."

"If you told me how you know him then maybe I'll consider doing that," I snap back, turning my back to him to hide the tears building up in my eyes.

Squeezing my shoulder tightly, Eugene sighs, "I told you that it's not my story to tell just like how your story is not mine to tell everyone I meet. I won't push you to call him but I want you to think about all of this from his perspective. You love him don't you?"

"I can't love in this business," I hiss sharply, turning around to face him causing the first of my tears to fall. "I thought I could but look where I am now?! What I've done, what I chose to do is still following me ten years after I stopped. Now not only is the man I love on threat of being killed but so is the smallest, most innocent, and the dearest baby boy too!"

Eugene's eyes widen as I rant my woes to him, his shoulders slumping down as the meaning of my words sinks into his head making him speechless. Harshly wiping away my tears, I turn away from him to listlessly look out the window once more.

For a second I feel him opening his mouth to say something but I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding when I hear him walking away. Leaning against the cool glass in front of me, my breath comes out shaky as I try to stop myself from crying any further.

Until now, I haven't thought about what Alexander would be thinking about this situation...

My heart constricts painfully at the thought and I can say that it's not a good feeling. The sun has long since set when I make my way into my bed taking off my glasses and setting them on the nightstand by my bed to stare up at the blurry ceiling, indifferently dismissing the maid who came to call me for dinner at some point.

I love Alexander, it's as simple as that. I admit to myself plainly as the street lights cast shadows along the walls of my room. Yeah, it can't get any simpler than that.

When did I fall for him? It might have been the time when he got jealous seeing me on Damian's arm but it may have also been the time when he acted like a father to Danny. I don't know what it's like to be in love. I had no time for it. Even after I left my killing ways behind me, I wanted nothing to do with it because the closest thing I saw to love growing up was...Mr and Mrs Summers' relationship was short-lived because Mrs Summers was already sick when I was adopted. With that thought lingering in the back of my mind, I fall asleep.

Not that I slept well seeing as it felt as though only seconds had passed before the warm morning sun dragged me out of my resting state. Getting out of bed, I grit my teeth as I push myself out of bed, my thoughts from the previous night still floating around the recesses of my brain. Irritating me. With my glasses on and my clothes packed into my suitcase, I head to the dining room where Mr Lee and Eugene have already started breakfast, my mood as foul as it can be.

"You seem ready to kill just about anyone if they say something wrong to you, Alastora, "Eugene murmurs casually to me as he sips his coffee at the table watching me sit beside him. "What's wrong? Slept on the wrong side of the bed? Perhaps you are on your monthly thing that Angela always complains about?"

Gripping my cup of tea tightly in my hand, I look up at him chillingly slowly causing him to swallow nervously when I growl lowly, "If you already can guess that I'm in a bad mood, why do you want to push your luck?"

Silence follows my words as I pick up and take a bite of one of the many fresh dough fritters piled high on the plate in front of me and I catch Mr Lee giving Eugene a sharp glare which lightens my bad mood a little. Today is the day I go back to America to settle a few things like money matters and my contacts before I start my raids in the orphanages there.

"You flight go home go at eleven mornings today," Mr Lee speaks softly, reaching to grasp my hand in his. "Daniello agreed to say he pick up you from the flying machine field. You are a good girl. Do your job? Be nice to Daniello son. He is a good boy. Forgive and accept. Okay?"

I have no idea what he means by the 'he a good boy, forgive and accept' part of his words but I smile thankfully in response to his words nonetheless knowing that he probably means that I should keep my temper with Daniello's son.

Come to think of the time that I've known Daniello, I've never met his eldest son.

Gripping the butter knife by the side of my plate tightly when the doors to the dining room burst open, I force myself to loosen my grip when I see that it's just a very angry-looking Angela with two AK47s hanging by her sides.

"Ba, you won't believe what's happening right now," she groans sitting down next to me, taking my half-eaten dough fritter from me. "There is this man giving calls to kidnap a ten-month-old baby and take it to Italy. I have a vague idea of who it is but-"

Slamming my hand on the table at her words the attention of everyone present is on me, my eyes are wide with the shock that Carter Logans is moving so quickly, it has been only two days since I've fallen off the grid and he's already moving in to bring me back into the light.

The bastard...

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