Dust Coverings

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A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's short. 

  Upon finishing her dinner, she watched the rest of the murder mystery, but she wasn't tired yet. So, she went to check and see if Nathan had Netflix. Well, she would've checked if it weren't for that fact that she remembered that she didn't even have a password to access such a thing. To add the icing to the cake, she didn't even possess Nathan's phone number. One of the details she forgot to inquire about.

Sighing at her own forgetfulness, she turned around and looked up. There were several DVDs on the shelves behind her. Perhaps, he had something of interest to watch up there. Thus, she proceeded to stand up on the couch and scan over the movie titles. Most were documentaries on various antiques or ancient artifacts, which made sense with regards Nathan. Besides those, there were also some black and white horror movies like the original Dracula.

Still, all the movies on the shelves were covered in a thick layer of dust. Even the antiques in the area were coated with a layer of dust. Additionally, the antique clock read the wrong time, since the three hands had stopped. Pulling the Dracula movie off the shelf, she told herself that tomorrow she would dust the area and replace the clock batteries. Besides, she might as well clean some of the house, since she was going to be living in the space for two weeks.

So, with the movie in hand, she placed it in the DVD player and sat back down on the couch to enjoy it. As she was watching the film, though, Drem couldn't stop grinning. She was close, so close! He could almost grab her wrists and pull her closer; he could almost force his lips upon hers. It had been so long since he was able to do either of those things, and now the opportunity to do so was becoming ever more probable.

He wondered if her lips would feel as soft as they looked; he wondered if they had a certain taste to them. Even her skin appeared soft to the touch. Would his fingers glide over it, as if touching the finest silk? His teeth bit lightly on his left thumb nail now. How wonderful it would be to find out. Nathan had brought him such a nicely wrapped summer present.


When the movie had finished, (f/n) turned off the DVD player and the television before she picked up her dishes and headed into the kitchen. It didn't take her long to clean them and put them in the dish dryer. Afterwards, she went to her room, after shutting off all the lights in the kitchen and living room, and locked the door behind her. She proceeded to climb into bed and snuggle into the comforting sheets, after she had turned off the lamps in the room.

The sounds of morning birds, probably some robins since they were common in the area, awoke her. (F/n) moved from her stomach and onto her back at the noise. She blinked her (e/c) eyes open slowly and looked over to her wristwatch, which was on the nightstand on the right side of the bed. The watch read ten in the morning, so she thought that she might as well get up.

Sitting up and stretching her arms and legs, she let out a yawn. Thankfully, she had slept right through the night. No disturbing sounds had awoken her. If there were any noises during the night, she hadn't heard them.

Pushing some strands of (h/c) hair out of her face, she got out of bed and changed into some day clothes. With a pale blue pullover, white shorts, white fuzzy slippers and her pale green wristwatch on, she exited her room and made her way to the bathroom for her morning routine. Once she completed said routine, she proceeded to get her breakfast.

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