Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hola...meh. I hate being sick. I'm on antibiotics, which make you feel worse before they make you feel better, I've found. Whatever. At least it's finally snowed! I know right, February and it's our second snowfall. Insane! Well, happy weekend to you all. Thank goodness - this week was terrible. Too much work for my liking, which is why it's been taking me so long to update. Sorry! Anyway, please vote and comment! :)

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Twenty-Six

♥            Astrid         ♥

            I was pacing again; I couldn’t help myself.

            “Will you stop that?” Pierre demanded petulantly, but I ignored him, walking around and around the tiny cell until Pierre held his head and told me I was making him dizzy. Then, unable to do anything else, I sank to the ground and put my chin on my knees. My mind was whirling so fast that I was getting dizzy as well, but unfortunately, I couldn’t make sense of any of my thoughts.

            Charlie was on the cot, leaning against the stone wall, his eyes closed. I could see perspiration shining on his forehead, and from the way he was breathing short and shallowly, I knew that he was still in pain. Biting my lip, I tried to think of something to say to him, but came up with nothing. This was my fault – if only I had done something about Jay…

            Rubbing my temples, where a headache was rapidly forming, I stared at the opposite wall, trying to marshal my thoughts. We had to get out of there somehow…we had to form a plan. Anything…

            Charlie’s head lifted, his grey eyes strained and his voice hoarse. “Astrid – you okay?”

            I looked over at him, nodding so he could see, my heart twisting slightly. I hated doing this to him – and seeing him lying there with the crap beaten out of him – and all of it was my fault. And yet he still could ask me how I was…

            “I’m fine,” I whispered, because he was still looking at me.

He obviously didn’t believe me, but he remained silent, looking away in the direction of Pierre. Pierre stood against the opposite walls, arms crossed across his chest and a frustrated look on his face. I knew he hated being locked up like this as much as we did – probably more. But it wasn’t like we could do anything.

            I breathed out through my mouth silently, fixing my eyes on the stone floor and wondering whether I should start counting the tiles to control my anxiety. Anything could help at this point. Looking again at Charlie, I felt my hands clench into fists and made a mental vow not to let something like that happen again.

            This was probably going to be a vow easily broken.

            “Did they interrogate you?” Pierre had asked, his brow furrowing. “And did you tell them anything?”

            Charlie’s face had twisted into a bitter smile as he replied caustically, “They didn’t need to. Jay knows all about Delta, remember? I think they just liked the color of my blood.”

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