Chapter Six

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In the duration of weeks to come, Ginelle found herself the topic of all gossip throughout the ton. During her time spent at Ashford, she had purposely avoided making contact with civilization outside the plantation. She was painfully aware of their hard stares and turned-up noses. They knew very little about her and she intended to keep it that way to remain hidden from Pierino. If the ton knew of her lowly status, they would not accept her as Eloise's ward. They would scorn her. They were nothing like Eloise. They all were mere puppets that dangled from the strings of society standards.

She grew wary of their loquacious chatter. Dorian had given word to several companions with loose tongues that his 'ward' had reached an agreeable age for marriage and there would be a banquet to launch her coming of age. This made her extremely fearful for what if all this immense gossip reached Pierino? If would not be difficult to track her whereabouts.

Pierino was quite familiar with social gatherings. He had attended many events simply to pick the pockets of those he secretly envied. He found it amusing to steal them blind while at the same time portraying a wealthy patron. She knew it all to be a farce façade. He enjoyed the hunt which made her believe he would not give up so easily on his pursuit in finding her.

The preparations for the banquet had been left to Lucile. She was keenly aware of Dorian's absence. He seemed to hoard everything off onto the housekeeper but she seemed not to care in the least for it was a great distraction from the grief she suffered at Eloise's loss.

Ginelle was entirely against the ordeal to come. It took every ounce of will power she possessed to continue with the arrangement. It could potentially ruin everything and jeopardize her wellbeing.

Ginelle was stunned one morning to find that she had several suitors waiting at the door; each eager to look at the woman that was the talk of gossip. All that Eloise had taught her about the proper ways of courtship forced her to endure their company. She pasted a smile on her face as each caller spoke of nonsense that was meant to impress her.

It was not all horrid as she had imagined. Some of the men were charming and respectable but her wariness of men kept her focused on her initial plan. As the time drew near for her banquet, the barriers she had built against the suitors that came to court her were steadily falling. As a child she had fancied marriage for is she was to marry why not marry for love? But those were the days when she could dream and nothing harmed her.

Though she was quite certain nothing could waver her from her decision, she was beginning to question her motives. Did she really want to live a lonely life? Eloise had been lonely and the grief she had suffered had nearly been her undoing. Yet, could she really succumb to love and risk her heart? Risk everything as she has done before only to be left alone with that heavy hole in her chest?

This stream of thoughts continued to run through her mind when a visitor came to see her. She was seated in the parlor with a book in her hand when Lucile appeared in the door to announce her visitor. Sighing to herself, Ginelle set the book aside and stood to greet another suitor whose presence she would have to endure for the next hour.

Ginelle was struck nonplussed as a man appeared with Lucile. Immediately, her eyes assessed his tall, slender frame equipped in an elaborate dark blue waistcoat. His long legs were dressed in fitting, black breeches and his feet adorned with riding boots fastened with silver buckles.

His hair was the color of wheat, short and cropped around his forehead. His complexion was neither pale nor dark but just the right medium tone to accentuate his hazel eyes. The bones of his face were sharp yet elegant and she found herself comparing this man to that of a dangerous laird whose eyes were cold like the artic sea and his skin dark from the sun. She shivered as Dorian's looming frame came to mind. The man standing before her was nothing like Dorian and for that single thought alone she presented the man with a smile.

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