Potato Flour

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Without a word, they nodded their heads and continued on their way.

On the road, they also encountered several pheasants that came out to look for food. Xiaowu warned Xiaoba to stand still and not move. Several older brothers were ready for revenge and went all out, but it was Little Five who was the fastest and took the lead.

Going deeper and deeper into Daqingshan, they reached a gentle slope with higher terrain, and there was a flat land below. Looking toward the bottom, unexpectedly there is an unexpected harvest, actually found a few wild goats are pulling the hay on the ground, not the slightest awareness of the danger is coming......

Several people are excited, finally see a relatively large prey. They used their Qinggong skills and swept towards the flat ground below. Qibao had no intention of going down to help, a few goats could not threaten her brother and the others.

Only then did several goats realize that humans were approaching and began to scatter and run away.

Each of the five brothers selected a target, took out the self-defense daggers given to them by Qibao, and began to fight with the goats.

The one chosen by the elder brother was an adult male goat, relatively strong, seeing that the front path was blocked by humans, his temper flared up and he charged towards Xu Wenwu, his head lowered, intending to use the horns on his head as a weapon to charge towards Xu Wenwu.

Xu Wenwu stepped aside, picked up the dagger in his hand and slashed towards the goat's neck...

Because the goat pushed forward with all its strength, the dagger slashed from the goat's neck to its back.

Feeling the pain, the goat screamed "Baa" and was covered in blood. Under the inertia, it rolled headfirst on the ground and then lay there struggling. There was also a pool of blood on the ground.

Seeing that the goat had no offensive power, Xu Wenwu killed the goat with a knife.

Qibao was very surprised. He didn't expect his elder brother to be so decisive and end the goat's life for the first time.

The other brothers also subdued the goat, but they did not kill the prey like the eldest brother.

The eldest brother said: "Since we are opponents, why don't you kill them with one blow? Have you forgotten what happened to those bandits last time? Your opponents will not let you go! And that person that night, if it weren't for our sister, we wouldn't be his opponent, would he let us go? Cannot! So be ruthless when you need to be ruthless, understand!"

The boys had never seen their eldest brother look like this. They agreed in a low voice, took out their daggers and sent the goats to the west.

It seems that the last incident had a great impact on the elder brother. Qibao agrees with this approach. It would be better to get used to such bloody scenes as soon as possible. This is nothing compared to the scenes she experienced in her previous life.

After gathering the prey together, Qibao waved her hand and put it into the space. Uncle Xu patted his eldest son on the shoulder and said nothing.

Moving forward again, they're not far from the white wolf's lair. The two white wolves, perhaps wanting to see his pack, whined at Qibao... Seeing their master nodding, they immediately ran towards the cave.

Qibao did not follow, but continued walking with everyone. After walking for about a stick of incense, she suddenly heard the neighing of a horse.

Xu Dabo was puzzled and asked: "Why is there the sound of a horse screaming?"

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