Chapter 7

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So, let me get this straight," Rowan starts. "The most dangerous rogue in the forest. The rogue that we have been looking everywhere for. The rogue that gets away every time unscathed. His daughter just walked into our pack?"

I rub my temple to ease the oncoming ache.

"Yes," I say, irritated. "We're leaving in a couple of hours. I'm not wasting a single second if that girl thinks she can find him."

Kyler glares from his spot in the corner as he says, "And what happens when you find him? What happens to the girl when you find him?"

Sometimes I envy the heart he has. One that's so big it barely fits inside his chest. But right now, when it's clouding his sense of judgment, I only wish he could deflate it a little.

"I will murder him as he murdered my father, and I won't think twice about it."

He stares, eyes an unflinching shade of boiling blue.

"And the girl?"

A metal rod shoves itself down my spine as all my muscles clench one by one.

Leaving her was probably one of the hardest things I've done, even knowing I'll see her in less than an hour, it doesn't make it better.

The bond is brutal when refused, pushing and pulling at your heart strings until nothing is left to pull. I need to get it under control, need to learn how to ignore it better, because if I slip up with everyone watching, she's dead.

My gut shrivels, my heart begging with each beat not to say the words I'm about to say, but I don't have a choice.

"She'll go back to her side, with people who aren't murderers. I'm doing her a favour."

Kyler's eyes suddenly turn skeptical, searching. He knows something, but before I can ask what, Rowan says, "I'll go get a group together."

I nod. "Link me when you're ready."

The door closes after him, and the silence is almost too much.


"She's your mate, isn't she?"

My lungs restrict, air pushing and pushing until finally I cough it up.

He chuckles, but there's no humour in it.

"You really are an asshole, you know that?" He says incredulously.

My molars grind, anger leaking in fast and heavy.

"At least I can tell the difference between a heart led mistake and a mind led decision," I say.

I don't see him until he's right in front of me, my back pressed to the wall and his hands gripping my shirt collar.

"You call my feelings useless and deceitful, but at least I have some." He gets closer, eyes boring into mine. "The day you learn to feel something will be a day that you realize the world doesn't revolve around logic, it revolves around how people deal with that logic."

I shove him off, almost pulling us both to the ground in my haste to get away.

"I'm sending her back!" I all but yell. "What more do you want? I don't have time for a mate, and I certainly don't have time for love."

It's a lie, and by the looks of his face, he knows it.
He slumps onto the couch in my office, head in his hands. He looks worn out, and guilt washes through me.

I did this. I turned into someone he couldn't rely on, couldn't talk to, couldn't rant to, couldn't do anything but follow orders. He was my best friend, but somewhere along the lines I started treating him like my Beta.

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