Chapter 134: Ignition

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The raging fire of unit 21# burned for over half an hour, gradually diminishing, but the thick smoke showed no signs of abating. Under normal circumstances, there should be no survivors inside the building by now. With no means of ventilation and no effective way to prevent toxic gases from entering their bodies, the only outcome awaiting them was death in agony. Even if some miraculously survived, staying inside the building meant death was only a matter of time because the dense smoke wouldn't dissipate quickly.

Zhang Yi turned around and walked towards unit 26#. "Let's go, onto the next one!"

The neighbors of unit 25# were already bloodthirsty. Experiencing such a satisfying way of killing for the first time, the exhilarating feeling of holding others' lives in their hands overwhelmed their long-suppressed emotions. A horde of people followed Zhang Yi, heading towards the territory of the Tianhe Gang in unit 26#.

The people from 26# watched this scene from their windows. Seeing Zhang Yi and the others approaching, they were terrified. Someone shouted from inside, "Zhang Yi, Huang Tianfang is already dead. This has nothing to do with us!"

"Everyone reaps what they sow; you can't blame us for mistakenly killing innocent people!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi burst into laughter. "Mistakenly killing innocent people? Do you think you're good people?"

Zhang Yi squinted, his eyes filled with a strong sense of irony. "Among those who survived in your building, how many haven't taken five lives? Besides, even if you are good people, what does it have to do with whether I kill you or not?"

Zhang Yi didn't care how many people were involved in the attack against him. If anyone was suspicious, even if it was just one in a million, he would mercilessly eliminate them. In the apocalypse, there was no room for the slightest bit of mercy. Otherwise, it would bring disaster upon oneself.

"Let's continue!" Following the same method, Zhang Yi had people seal off unit 26#, then he set fire to the lower floors. The sounds of screams and curses echoed within the building. Some people, driven mad, rushed downstairs only to be shot in the head by Zhang Yi the moment they appeared.

After a while, thick smoke enveloped the entire unit 26#. Zhang Yi wasn't in a hurry; he proceeded to kill building by building, preventing anyone from escaping.

Soon, the people from unit 26# were mostly dealt with. Zhang Yi didn't stop and continued towards the other units, targeting the building managers who had participated in the attack against him.

Five buildings were ablaze, flames soaring, and thick smoke billowing, illuminating the entire residential area. The increased air temperature caused the surrounding ice and snow to melt, lowering the horizon.

Residents in other units felt a chill, many frightened to the point of wetting themselves. Zhang Yi calculated the time; at this rate, he wouldn't finish the killings in one night. He was tired and needed to rest, checking Uncle You's treatment results.

To prevent these troublemakers from causing more problems, he decided to calm them down first. Zhang Yi took out a horn from his spatial dimension and shouted in the community, "Rest assured, I, Zhang Yi, never harm the innocent. This time, those who attacked me will pay the price, but I won't harm units that have been friendly to me. Don't be afraid!"

Initially tense unit owners felt as if they had grasped the last straw in despair. They knew Zhang Yi's words might be deceitful, but people often liked to deceive themselves, thinking optimistically.

"Zhang Yi isn't planning to kill us? That's great!"

"Yeah, the ones who attacked Zhang Yi aren't us. What does it have to do with us? Zhang Yi shouldn't retaliate against us."

"He... he killed so many people, he must be tired! I don't believe he can wipe out the entire community."

Without reaching the brink of despair, people wouldn't risk their lives for a slim chance. Zhang Yi gave them hope, allowing them to bury their heads in the sand, pretending there was no danger around.

After Zhang Yi finished his announcement, he said to the surrounding neighbors, "Alright, today's activities end here. Go back and rest!"

Some neighbors were reluctant to leave. "Let's stay here by the fire!"

After all, returning to the unit meant facing the freezing cold again, not as comfortable as staying by the fire.

Zhang Yi casually said, "Do as you please."

After that, he turned and went back to unit 25#. Other neighbors hesitated to leave, gathering around the fire, enjoying its warmth. The flames, fueled by the materials Zhang Yi provided, would last for a while. If they got hungry, they could even grab a bite.

"What do we do if the fire gets smaller?"

Someone anxiously asked. Another person, looking around, suddenly brightened, coming up with a good idea. Three people, in tacit agreement, walked over, lifted a corpse, and threw it into the fire.


The crisp sound of bursting echoed, as if fat was sizzling at high temperatures.


The flames surged high again.

Everyone cheered and rejoiced. "This method is great! Haha, why did I forget? Animal fat is also excellent fuel!"

There were still many corpses around, enough to sustain them for a while. If they got hungry, they could also come for a piece. What a great barbecue feast!


On his way back, Zhang Yi passed by the corpses of Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei. His footsteps slightly paused, a sudden curiosity arising within him. These two had been useful, obedient, and energetic. When following Zhang Yi, they had at least been fed.

Why did they suddenly betray him?

Zhang Yi wasn't surprised but slightly curious. He searched through their bodies, found their phones, and, illuminated by the fire, unlocked them with their faces.

Opening the phones, he browsed through their chat records, his eyes gradually filled with amusement.

"So, that's how it is!"

Zhang Yi chuckled, throwing their phones into the snow.

After returning home, Zhang Yi opened the door to the temporary infirmary. At this moment, Zhou Ker stood against the wall, legs crossed. Even wearing a blue surgical gown, her slender legs were still apparent.

Zhang Yi glanced at the hospital bed. Uncle You wore an oxygen mask, and the heart rate monitor showed stable waves.

Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed Uncle You's life was saved. Now, he wouldn't feel guilty about causing harm to his partner.

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