23. The twin

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Sean's perspective:

He had spent his time alone practicing his writing, though he didn't manage to advance much due to the lack of paper.

He tried practicing on the tablet but it was very weird, plus, the amount of pressure he had to put on his nails in order to do anything was uncomfortable.

He decided to just start playing that game from before until finally, the two aliens came back, letting in a draft of cold air.

He waited while they laughed, probably at him, and then waited as they talked, until finally, they got closer and carried him to a new room, next to the one he slept in before.

He saw an even bigger bean bag bed, it was unreal how massive it was.

He quickly climbed on top, immediatly feeling his eyes become heavy, probably from having stared at a screen for so long.

He was about to sleep until the two aliens got on the bed as well, though this wasn't enough to make him want to get off.

Instead he simply got away from them by going to the edge, almost falling asleep again until one of the aliens pulled him up close to them.

He was thinking of getting away once again, but his sleepiness and the new warmth from being in between the aliens was enough to knock him out fairly quickly.


He woke up to Ri shuffling off the bed, he was getting hugged by Tonuk, who was even warmer than usual somehow,  its fuzzy arms made it comfortable enough for him to fall asleep again.


Tonuk started moving, finally getting out of bed and leaving Sean to feel the cold air once again.

He was a bit hungry, so he followed Tonuk while trying to remember the word for food, which he was only now realizing he was starting to forget.

Thankfully he managed to remember most of the words, not that he needed them right now, as Ri served him some food before he could ask for it.

Still, he was mad at himself for having forgotten to practice the new language, but at least he still remembered most things.

He ate most of the veggies without problem, though one of them was very sticky, but it was sweet, which was nice at least.

He ignored the aliens as they talked, knowing he had no chance of understanding them.

He started thinking about something pretty negative as he realized something.

What if the aliens did know that he was sentient, but just didn't care?

It was a pretty uncomfortable thought, but still, he showed that he understood the language, using it whenever possible, along with using their technology and building lots of things in the wild, it was hard imagining them seeing all of that and not thinking he was sentient.

He tried to forget this thought as he was put back into the cage and carried back to the other building, still uncomfortable from the cold.

He was still hopefull that somehow, they actually hadn't realized and weren't just keeping him like a pet and without being able to communicate for no reason.

For now, he was going to put more effort into practicing his writing and on learning the language once again, or at least what he could manage.

By the time he got out of his thought bubble he was already inside the building in the room with the spider monkey looking animals.

He looked around only to see what looked to be Tonuk in front of his cage, but there was another one of it beside him carrying the cage.

Basically, it looked like there were two of Tonuks, he guessed it could be a twin, though he was still unsure.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now