26 | Things Only Get Worse Where Everett Is Concerned

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Hiya y'all! We reached the 1000 vote milestone and 10k reads too!! Also, Idiots got to the #2 spot in both the lgbt and lgbtq tags 🥳

The hugest thank you to all my amazing readers who made it happen!! <3


Everett groaned as he stomped from one side of the garage to the other, dragging a broom uselessly behind him.

"O what cruel and unfair punishment," he moaned.

"We did destroy the kitchen and nearly burn down the house," I reminded.

"But we cleaned that all up! Mother is working us to the bone."

"It's been two hours."

"...only scraps for sustenance." He uselessly swiveled the broom in loops around him, whispering something about punishment by starvation.

I looked up from the toolbox I was absentmindedly wiping with a dust cloth. "You know doing that doesn't really clean the floor?"

"What do you mean?" He turned to me. "I'm sweeping it."

"You're just moving the dust around though, you're not collecting it anywhere?" My voice lilted at the end, coming out as a question as I scanned the area for any one pile of dust.

"Why would I collect dust, I have to sweep it away." Everett rolled his eyes as if I were the idiot among us.

"Away to where, Everett?"

His beautiful blank eyes widened as he stared into mine, shifting through a millions emotions till they finally landed on understanding.

"All this time Clementine...." He lifted his face up to stare at the hanging ceiling light. The bright beam washed over him, casting golden highlights over his cheekbones and shadows around his midnight eyes. "I have been an utter fool."

"Uhuh, yeah sure," I muttered, unimpressed by his dramatic enlightenment.

Everett clutched the broom in his hands, muttering under his breath like a gremlin. "Collect it into a pile...throw the pile away."

I rolled my eyes and bit back a smile as I turned my attention back to dusting.

"So uh, we should probably move this thing right?" Everett leaned casually against the red bonnet of his dad's car. "We have to sweep under it."

I didn't like the look that had settled over his face.

"Just sweep around it."

"And leave a job half done—"

"Swipe the broom under it if you must, the handle's long enough." I frowned as he tapped his broom on the floor in a rhythmic beat

"It just doesn't feel right, Clementine."

I got to my feet. "If you really want to move it I'll call your dad."

Everett swung his broom out wildly, almost tripping me up as he blocked the gate. "No! We can't bother the busy man!"

"But your mom's out and—"

"Exactly!" Everett tossed the broom aside, opting to grip both my shoulders instead. "When else are we going to get this opportunity?"

"Opportu—there's no opportunity!" I spluttered.

"I would not dare touch her car." He continued, ignoring me as he waved an impassive hand. "But my dad's, on the other hand...."

"You know I can already drive, it's not a big deal." I clamped up as Everett latched on to the end of my sentence.

"Yeah we're nineteen, we can move a car without bothering anyone," he agreed. A little too enthusiastically.

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