43 - I'll Be Seeing You

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The knife sinks deeply into the chest of the guard, the sound slicing throug the silence. Tears are already surfacing in my eyes as Alec shoves the dead man to the ground, kicking his body aside as he uses my key to unlock the heavy door.

I don't deny that he has every right to kill to find his brother, but I am not accustomed to such violence.

I never wanted it to come to this, but I was pushed into a corner. I must be strong, for him.

All I want to do is lay here and cry, begging for forgiveness from any God that will hear it. Blood pools at my feet. I cant fall now, if I do that, then the risk is all for nothing.

It had to be done, it had to be me, at least that's what I keep telling myself over and over again as we make our way down the stairs quickly, just the two of us.

This isn't about my soul, this is about love and sacrifice for that love.

Because it is the only way to save Fraser.

"This way." I murmur, marching forward, leading a vampire to the cages where his kind has been held for simply being themselves.

Alec warily eyes the destroyed cell, the bars crumbled.

"He did that?" The silver reflects against the light of my candle.

"Yes." But I'm not looking at him, I'm looking into the cell adjacent that holds a dark, slumped figure.

"Fraser." I say, breathless.

My mind rears at the sight of my love. He's chained up at the very back of the cell, plastered to the wall like a crumpled painting. Even in the dim air, I can see my bearded man covered in his own blood.

"Oh sweet heavens." I say in reverent horror, rushing to the bars, gripping the bars and pulling. Of course, nothing happens as I yank mindlessly. I have to get to him, have to save him.

"Move." Alec says, gently pushing me aside as he grips the thick bars. They did not bother to paint it in silver this time, why would they when he's chained and on the brink of death.

Fraser's younger brother pulls the door from its very hinges, carefully laying it down so that it wont make a sound.

My satchel goes unnoticed as I throw it to the ground, my candle even toppling over as I rush to his side. At once I'm by him, petting his hair and whispering to him.

"My love, oh my love." I whimper, my tears falling freely down my cheeks in salty rivers. What have they done to him?

Alec is there, ripping the manacles from his wrists and frowning deeply, his eyebrows are harsh slashes across his forehead.

"Bastards. Every one of them."

My breath won't come fast enough, my shallow pants are not a good sign. My weak body is betraying me, I have to calm down. I have to calm down for him. I'm no use to us if I'm in a panic.

"I'll fetch Brody and Gavin. Try to rouse him." His tone is odd, closed off as he stands up swiftly, leaving me alone with Fraser.

I don't watch him go, simply cradling Fraser close as I observe his destroyed body with tears and tightness in my chest.

The open slashes on his back come up over his shoulders, covered in blood that won't scab. Fresh blood is dried on his torso from where he was stabbed, and I can barely see the skin underneath it. The blank look in his eyes fades as something else entirely takes control.

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