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The day began strong. The air was crisp and clean as a result of the storm the day prior.

The morning sun was soft and welcoming as it began to dry the damp streets of the vast capital city. People had begun to fill the streets and bustle about oblivious to the current guarded carriage pulling up to the Royal Court that was currently gathering in the throne room of the magnificent Palace.

The carriage had been the transport responsible for escorting the Countess Alvore and her daughter Sibyl from the Trencent estate.

For the entire short journey Sibyl had done nothing but complain. She was too caught up in her own world to notice the distraught mood that her mother was expressing.

When they arrived, they were both ordered out of the carriage by two guards where they were escorted by four more up the many steps leading to the large, exquisite doors of the castle's throne room.

Sibyl tried to put up a fight but stopped when she noticed her mother's now calm expression as she allowed the guards to take her into the building.

The moment that they stepped through the doors there was complete silence. The Countess stood her ground as many eyes turned towards her. She lifted her chin and stood up straight as if to display that she would not be intimidated by anything.

"Walk." A soft yet harsh command came from the guard behind her.

The Countess obeyed and began walking down the parted row of the many officials and noblemen present. With each step she took the whispers began breaking the silence.

They were judgemental and gossiping and the Countess knew that they were tarnishing her proud reputation but still she would not show how it affected her.

Sibyl Alvore on the other hand was far too prone to fall into the trap of mean words and the pitiful girl looked so angered that she was on the brink of tears and followed closely behind her mother as if begging for her to do something.

When they reached the steps leading up to the throne, the two were parted and each placed on a small wooden crate that elevated their height. The strong iron chains binding their wrists were fastened to a metre length chain that was temporarily bolted to the floor in front of them.

Sibyl anxiously looked over to her mother who stood to her right about two metres away from her. She was feeling very vulnerable in that moment and so desperately just wanted all of this to end.

The loud whispers and judgmental glances were beginning to overpower her. She so desperately wanted to scream at them and lash out but without her mother's support she felt to weak to.

The Countess had not once dropped her nose, her gaze fixed on the empty throne before her. She remained unaffected by her daughter's desperate and pleading stares.

"His Majesty, King Aleric." A guard loudly announced as the doors opened.

Suddenly there was silence again as the beautiful man stepped foot into his throne room. Each member of the Court bowed their heads in respect as their King past by relieved to see their ruler strong and healthy after the ordeal at the Trencent ball.

Aleric's step held a powerful stride. His demeanour expressed his status and his charm. The way he moved was almost enchanting and put many of the court members in a temporary daze. His entire presence was striking and formidable.

He truly fit the role as the most powerful man in the Kingdom.

King Aleric's attire was mostly black save for the simple yet striking twisted gold crown that sat above his head. It made his features sharper and more defined and his presence more prominent.

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