Chapter 40

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"Okay, let's get back on the road. We have to be closing in on the creatures," King Orsand said, walking down the steps.

"We have vehicles that are gassed up that we can use," Alpha Wesley said, emerging from the building, rubbing his head.

"Alpha?" The group of people who gathered and witnessed his death stared in astonishment.

"Yeah, it seems that I was just in shock from the wounds. Thankfully Princess Elanor is rather skilled in handling that sort of thing. Thank you, truly."


I turned to look as Alastair walked across the street.


"You were..."


Alastair looked at me, his eyes glassy with tears. I smiled and grabbed Edmond's hand.

"How about I actually go back to the Blackpaw Howlers pack now?"


"Um, yeah. We may need the reinforcements."

"You're not going alone," Edmond said.

I sighed heavily. "You are going to need as many people with you as you can get. I think I will be safe going back alone."

He shook his head and held tightly to my hands. "No. Absolutely not. You're not going alone."

I lead forward and kissed him lightly. "The creatures are ahead of us, not behind. I need you to make sure Moon Mist is okay. I will catch up to you."

"I'll send two of my warriors with her," Andrew said, stepping forward.

Edmond closed his eyes and breathed heavily. I knew he was still mad about the scene Andrew caused. I squeezed his hands and kissed him again.

"Forgive him," I whispered. I turned to Andrew. "That will work great."

"Okay, let's go," King Orsand said.

I watched as the group loaded into freshly gassed vehicles before trekking my way back to the Blackpaw village.

"Majesty, do forgive me, but why are we going back? There is only death and nonwarriors at home."

"You're a secretive group, so I can trust you two, right?"

The two black-clad warriors nodded.

"I have this special ability that allows me to reverse certain things."


"Like death, yes. I'm hoping that the additional warriors will help us."


"It's hard to explain," I muttered.

"Is it magic?" The other asked.

"Um, I don't think so? I'm not really sure what it is. I don't even really know what I am."


I shook my head. "Don't think too deeply about it. It's a long and confusing story that I don't think I should divulge. At least not yet. I'm sure it will eventually be revealed to all."

They both nodded and remained fairly silent as we made our way back to Winter Lake. The streets were desolate as we traveled toward the castle. I brought the car to a stop outside the doors of the castle. It looked quiet and bare. Not a soul stirred within.

"Will you bring back the dead inside?"

I hadn't thought about them. The truly innocent who should never have been harmed in this war.

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