3. "You're inviting trouble."

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Chapter Three

Adonis' POV

"Good swing!" Eros said, as our eyes followed my golf ball that flew to the ground.

Eros Petrakis, a good friend of mine and former classmate in Harvard. Just like the Stavrakos, the Petrakis belonged to one of the oldest powerful Greek dynasties. Both of us were born to continue our families' lineage - to rule, to multiply wealth and become very powerful.

It was Saturday at noon, and we were playing golf, in my family's exclusive golf course, inside the Stavrakos estate. We had been hanging out lately, talking about our family's latest venture - a luxury cruise ship that the Petrakis would manufacture for us.

It was Eros' turn to hit the ball, and he hit his nicely.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, laughing, "it's been a long time since I played golf."

"Me too," I chuckled, "this thing is kinda boring, but at least it keeps us moving after last night."

"I agree. We need to exercise," he said and we both laughed.

We went to a party last night - a reunion with our university friends. We got drunk but still managed to get up and meet to play golf.

"You said you have an important thing to say. What is it?" he asked, after he took a big gulp of water.

I pressed my lips together, my forehead furrowed.

"Oh no... it must be something really bad, huh?" my friend looked amused, "tell me what's going on."

I let out a long sigh, before saying, "I'm getting married."

His eyes grew so big in surprise, "holy shit! Are you serious?"

"Very serious."

"Fuck, man. You sounded desperate," his expression filled with disgust, "I thought you're done with her! She's a liar. She cheated on you for almost a year! Open your eyes bro, you're a good man. You deserve an honest woman who will truly love you."

"I'm not marrying my ex."

He eyed me with a confused expression, "I'm relieved, I swear. But if it isn't her... then who? You broke up with her a few months ago, and I haven't seen or heard you dating anyone."

"I agreed to marry Constantine Pallis' granddaughter," I said firmly, "it's a marriage of convenience. It would unite two old Greek dynasties and patch up our ancestors' longtime conflict."

"Oh fuck! Seriously? But that's not your thing," he chuckled, "you're the type who would marry for love."

"That's what I thought too. After my bad experience in love, I don't want to get through it again. It only gives heartache, sleepless nights and failures. I lost too many deals in the first month we broke up. I was crippled. Physically, mentally and emotionally."

"That was a terrible breakup. It was hard for you."

"Absolutely. I'm done with love and romance. It's hard to find an honest woman nowadays. I don't think I can ever trust any woman again after my unpleasant experience."

"So you agreed to marry Pallis' granddaughter," he let out an amused smile.

"Yeah, as soon as possible."

"Asap? What's the hurry?"

"Pallis' terms and conditions. It's either now, or never," my lips tightened.

"That old crook," he sighed, "look, you don't have to do it. She could be worse than your ex."

"I don't give a damn if she's promiscuous. I'm not marrying her for love. She can do whatever she pleases, and I'll do mine. To each his own," I put my hands inside my pants' pockets, "all I want is to take back that huge land that belonged to my ancestors. We lost it from a stupid poker bet."

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