81 - 90

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81. Suicidal thoughts are the most common reason for admitting people to a psychiatric institution. - Jacobson, 1999.

82. If your mind wanders a lot, there is an 85% chance that you are subconsciously dissatisfied with your life.

83. People with the highest IQ do not fall asleep until late at night because their brain has increased mental stimulation.

84. If someone makes eye contact with you 60% of the conversation they are bored, 80% they are interested and 100% of the time they are threatening you.

85. Begins and ends are easier to remember than the means. When people are asked to recall items on a list, they most likely think of things at the very end, or at the very beginning.

86. People tend to be more honest when they're physically tired. Hence, people are inclined to confess the truth during nightly conversations.

87. Meditation can change the structure of the brain in as little as 8 weeks. It also increases the amount of gray matter in parts of the brain related to learning.

88. People are more likely to cry at night because lack of sleep makes it difficult to control emotions.

89. Swearing - When you are injured, swearing helps to reduce pain.

90. Some people like to see anger in others. In one University of Michigan study, people with high testosterone remembered information better when it was combined with an angry face than with a neutral face.

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