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My neck is tense from how hard my jaw is locked in place. I stare down at the purpose for my life as she sits with the other human women. The Empress puts a gentle hand on Elodie's shoulder, smiling sweetly while she talks.

"I've told Penelope all about you. She was happy to come." The smaller human nods, looking shy but opening her mouth to speak anyway.

"Yeah. I knew I couldn't stand by and let another girl go through anything we did." The female named Penelope's voice is so small that I can barely hear her. The female looks like she's about to fall apart.

Her mate stands beside me, he holds their offspring in his arms, bouncing the kit lightly as he glares at the scene before us. Fray is on my other side, also watching his mate wordlessly.

"I didn't want to come, but now that we are here, there is clearly an issue." The kit holding male says to me, not looking away from his female.

I nod once, my fists clenching as I fight the urge to demand that Elodie let me kill Locanas.

"As much as I agree that letting a female decide what is to be done with a male who has attacked them, my Elodie is not in any shape to be making such a decision." I murmur, my prospective mate oblivious to our conversation. "I want to kill him."

The little kit babbles nonsensical words as he grabs at his Pa's hand.

"I understand. If it was my mate, I would have a difficult time restraining myself. How are you not killing him now?"

"I don't really know, myself. Ending him is all I can think about."

The male named Elik simply nods.

"You are a male worthy of her then. I know what everyone says about you, but as far as I'm concerned rumors are useless and damaging." Elik says, and his words resonate with me.

Many believe that I am a blood thirsty beast. A heathen god. I respect this male for not believing what others love to spread.

I stand up straighter, a new confidence settling in me.

"You are lucky to have a kit. It must be wonderful to be a Pa." I say, and he nods, a smile finally gracing his face as he looks down at his son.

"I am. It is the best feeling. He needs me, as does his Mama. Being needed, relied on, it is the only thing I want. You have a great future to look forward to."

One look at Elodie, and it's easy to believe him. She is my future. I can take on anything if she is at my side.

She catches me staring, and meets my eyes before smiling. She does a little wave my way before going back to the conversation around her.

"I think there might be some redemption for Locanas, if you so choose." The Empress admits, and even if she is a female I want to yell at her.

Everyone is allowed to make mistakes, but the ones Locanas made are not easily erased. No one can expect such mercy if they attempt what he did.

"No. I can guarantee no girls will feel safe if they hear what he did and know that he lives freely in the palace. Aren't we trying to make this place safe?" Little Penelope says, her voice gaining in confidence and volume.

The Empress nods, and Elodie chews on the inside of her cheek.

"She's right. That stupid bastard can't just do that and expect a mate to fall in his lap! If anyone knew he was a rapist, they would ditch his ass." Soleil interjects, arms folded over her chest as she grouches.

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