4. Darth Vader

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"Is it time?" June whispered down to me over the side of the bunk bed. Even though it was too dark to see her face, I could hear the excitement in her voice.

My watch lit up in the darkness and I peered at its hands.


"It's time," I replied.

As quietly as we could, we grabbed our stuff and snuck out of the dorm room. Once into the corridor June turned on her phone torch, lighting up the deserted corridor.

"Kinda spooky," June laughed as we started walking. "I wonder if there's any ghosts here that we should look out for."

"I'd say we're the ones people should be looking out for tonight." I felt around in my pocket. The fake tattoos were there. "Which tower did you say Oscar was in?"

"Aila texted me North so we have to hope she's correct."

I grinned. "Time for the North Tower to experience the wrath of revenge seeking ghosts."

"Oscar's going to regret freezing my shoes last term," June said.

I snickered and promptly got elbowed by June. "You have to admit it was funny seeing your shoes in an ice block."

"It wasn't fun having to play the final against Beckfall in a pair of shoes two sizes too big for me thanks to him."

"And that my friend, is why we are now pranking him back." I smiled. "You know what we need right now? We need the Marauder's Map."

"I solemnly swear we are completely up to mischief." June laughed and I groaned at her quote butchering.

After unpacking earlier and having a school meeting, we'd spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the school and its grounds with Ruben and Noah. Our venturing had paid off and thankfully after a few minutes we managed to reach the door to the North Tower boy's dormitory without getting caught or lost. The night patrol was surprisingly slack for one which you'd expect would be at its top game due to the many teenager inhabitants.

We came to a halt and June asked, "Remember the plan?"

I nodded. "Of course."

June turned the torch light down to its lowest brightness and silently opened the door. The room was almost identical to our own with bunk beds lining the walls and a few cupboards and a table at the far end. A bathroom was attached to the side and its glowing green door sign gave off just enough light for us to see without the torch.

I stood by the door, letting June walk down the room looking for Oscar. Unnecessary movement led to a higher chance of waking up one of the boys. My eyes suddenly widened as I realised that I recognised the boy lightly snoring in the bottom bunk closest to the door.


I waved to get June's attention and she paused. I pointed at Noah and her eyebrows lifted.

"Show we wake him up?" I mouthed. Having an accomplice inside the room would be even better.

June gave me a thumbs up and watched as I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Noah," I whispered as he began to stir.

"Rory?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Shhhh. We don't want anyone else to wake up. June's here too."

He sat up and ran a hand through his short brown hair. "What are you guys doing?"

I pulled out the fake Star Wars tattoos and handed him one. His eyebrows raised at the sight of the dancing stormtroopers.

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