45. She was all over you

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I let out an annoyed, deep sigh as I entered another one of my father's parties. Like every other time, I'm not sure why I am here. Rylan explained to me something about a deal he had made, but I was too busy staring into her endless sea of blue eyes. I can't help it. She is just too beautiful to look at. Especially when she tends to bite her bottom lip when she gets confused about the information. It's amazing what I can notice about a person once they have my full attention. 

I looked up at Rylan and smiled as her eyes scanned the chaotic affair in front of us. She is so focused once she is in her security guard mood. I wrapped my arm around hers and it took her a minute before she realized it. However, she didn't say anything and led me forward to the bar. 

"Do you want anything?" She asked me kindly, but I shook my head. She watched me surprised and I bumped into her with a chuckle.

"I just want to go home as quickly as possible," I rolled my eyes. 

"Rylan?" We were both interrupted by a woman who came through the crowd towards us. A woman, perhaps mid-thirties, grinned at the sight of Rylan next to me.

"Hi, Teresa," Rylan said, confused and surprised.

"I haven't seen you in a while," Teresa smiled as she tucked some of her red hair behind her ear. I looked in between them as there is obviously some kind of close familiarity between them.

"Not since," Teresa appears to think hard as she gazed out into the air.

"Since the accident," She now had a concerned look on her face, but Rylan turned to me.

"This is Teresa. We were on the same team back in the military," She explained and I nodded kindly as I reached out my hand to the beautiful woman with green eyes in front of me. 

"I'm Hadley," I said and we both shook hands. As they both got into a discussion about each other now. I drifted off the conversation as I felt so out of place. I ended up going to the bathroom to blow out some air. However, once I got back out, I found them still chatting at the bar. A ball of something in my belly made my hands turn into fists as I can't deny that the only thing I wanted tonight was Rylan's attention. 

"Hi, honey," I faced my father. His familiar dark hair and eyes appear the same, but the spots underneath his eyes are not hard to notice. Perhaps the business deal he went through has kept him awake at night. 

"Are you okay?" He asked calmly, which isn't often. He is always all over the place talking to other people. 

"Yes," I smiled and I think it was the first time I have ever said that and meant it. A thoughtful look came onto his face as he watched me for a moment. 

"I'm amazed that Rylan has stuck around for four months now," I rolled my eyes as he had to mention that. 

"I haven't heard you complain either, nor has she," He added and automatically, my eyes drifted over to Rylan. She is smiling in a way I have never seen her smile before and it makes me uneasy. I turned my attention back to my father as he waited on an answer. 

"She is kind," I shrugged.

"And fair. Most of the time," I had to bite my lip to hide a smile. My father only nodded and an uncomfortable silence settled around us. There are so many things I could have told him that I adore about Rylan, but if I do, it will end badly. I can't lose her. She is the only good thing I have going in my life. The only one that has made me feel wanted and safe. 

I gritted my teeth as I saw Teresa was about to place her hand on Rylan's shoulder, but she deflected it casually in time. However, Teresa keeps on moving closer to her and it's pissing me off.

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