Chapter Eight

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                     R O S A B E L L E

I tried to move but I couldn't and I groaned before slowly opening my eyes.

I blink twice as I look down at Nick, who's head was buried into my chest and his arms tight around my torso and my hands wrapped around his neck.

How the heck did we end up in this position!?

I slowly removed his hands from me and placed a pillow in my place and turn towards Sofia to see her sleeping peacefully snuggled to a pillow. Gosh she looks so freaking adorable!

I quickly took my phone from the nightstand and clicked her photos before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

After I took shower and peeked my head out to see both of them still sleeping. I quickly ran into his walk-in closet in a small towel that barely covers me and closed the door.

All his clothes were on the left side and mine was on right. Correction. Mine and Arabelle's and there was no way in hell I was wearing the clothes that he brought for her.

I quickly got dressed into a white oversized shirt and a pair of denim shorts and walked out before looking at myself in the mirror for the last time.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to make a coffee for myself when one of the maid came running into the kitchen and I frowned.

"Mrs. Ivanov, I'm so sorry to distrub you but Mr. Ferrari is here to meet you," she said as she bowed her head and I frowned.

"Mr. Ferrari?" I asked and she nodded. Now who is this Mr. Ferrari.

"Good morning Rose," Gino said and I jumped slightly as I placed my hand over my heart.

"God. Gino you scared me," I said as I glared at him and he grinned at me. The maid quickly went out as Gino sat down on the chair, making himself comfortable.

"I came here to say sorry. You know, about yesterday," he said as he nervously played with his fingers and I smiled.

"It's ok. Don't worry about that," I said as I return back to my work. "Tea or coffee?" I asked.

"Coffee will do," he said as he tapped fingers on the table.

After I was done I gave him his coffee and sat down opposite to him with my cup.

"So you mean you just came early in the morning just to apologise to me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he grinned at me.

"No. See, Kol and you have been married for more than a week and he still didn't introduced you to us. So, today I came here to spend some time with you," he said.

"Ok," was all I replied and went back to sipping my coffee.

He began to crack some jokes and I couldn't help it but laugh my arse off. He was really really a nice guy. Unlike Nick. I don't know how did they even became friends.

Nick is a hot headed, bipolar piece of shit but Gino didn't seem like that hot headed, irritating type of a guy.

As we were exchanging jokes and laughing, Nick walked into the kitchen with Sofia in his hands as he narrowed his eyes at us, looking back and forth between Gino and me.

"Good morning Kol," Gino said cheekily and I instantly knew he was going to irritate the crap out of Nick.

"What are you doing here in my house with my wife early in this morning?" He asked as he narrow-eyed Gino who was grinning at him.

"Just having a coffee date with Rose," he grinned at Nick who in return glared at him.

Sofia giggled and I smiled at her before standing up and taking her out of his hands.

"Can you please make me a cup of coffee?" Nick asked as he sat down on the chair where I was sitting earlier. I nodded and poured a cup for him too before sitting down 2 chairs away from him.

He frowned and came closer and sat down beside me while I gave him that seriously looks. He just shrugged and began drinking his coffee while talking with Gino.

Suddenly Edwin rushed into the kitchen and whispered something into Nick's ear and he smirked slightly before nodding.

"I'll be in my office if you need anything," he said and went out with Edwin.

"He was jealous to see me here with you," Gino said suddenly and I frowned at him.

"And why are you telling me that?" I asked.

"You see, I ship you," Gino said as he sat back, crossed legged and drank his coffee.

"Too bad, your ship is already drowned," I replied as I drank my coffee.

"I'm hurt, how can you drown my ship," He placed his hand on his chest and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Firstly, I didn't drown your ship and secondly," I pointed towards his hand. "Your hand is placed on the wrong side, Gino. The heart is on the opposite side,"

"I'm one among those million people who have heart on their right side," he said.

"Really?" I asked.


I gave him a blank look before getting up with Sofia attached on my hip and he also stood up.

"I'll go and change her. If you need anything. . . . . you know where to find Nick," I said and walked out without waiting for his response.

I walked into his room and took out her clothes from her bag which Elena left, and changed her.

I laid her on the bed and shower her with light kisses as she giggled making me giggle at her.

Suddenly my phone rang making us snap out of our world and I frowned. Who might it be.

I looked at the caller and a small smile formed on my lips.

"Hey mom," I said cheerfully because I haven't talk to her after the marriage. More like she didn't talk to be cause I tried calling her and dad but no one picked my call.

But I was happy now because atleast now they called. But the next word she said made me happy/sad/angry and frustrated at the same time.

"Come back home Rosabelle," mom said in a bored tone. "Arabelle is back and now she wants Nikolai back,"

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